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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rebound Chapter 13: Finalizing Decisions

NA hope this is long enough w inshala ya3jbkom ilpost :** ENJOOOY!

"Hi good morning, I would like to make dinner reservations for friday the 20th of this month please...yeah.. 2 people... It is Hamad Al-x.. yeah i would love my usual table.. 7 is perfect... ok thank you" 7amad woke up before Razan and decided to make a few arrangements. He planned things out in his head and figured 3 weeks would be more than enough to make sure everything is perfect and hopefully his cast would be taken off. He started with the dinner reservations and thought it would be a good start to the evening since they haven't been on a date for a while.

   He then called the flower shop and put down an order for her favorite flowers, blue-purple and white-cream lisianthus. They always need time to be brought in and arranged. Suddenly her remembered something. He needs to speak to his mom first. He wanted to know that if Razan did say yes his parents won't refuse ina yr7on ya56bon ilbent. So he quickly dialed her number and impatiently waited for her to pick up. After what seemed liked ages she answered him with a big hi.

   Salam 3laiha and asked how she and his dad were. He made sure his sisters and brother were doing fine. He had 2 younger sisters. Sarah is 14, Reem is 9 and a baby brother 5alid who is only 5. After his mother had him she had a lot of difficulties with getting pregnant and so there is a 10 year gap between him and his sister and also between the rest.

   He loved his siblings so much and especially 5alid. Since his dad was always busy with work 5alid looked up to 7amad and thought of him as a father figure which only made 7amad get more attached to his younger brother. It also broke his heart when her had to leave him 2 years ago to move to America to study.

   "Youma, b'3aitech eb salfa mumha shway itha mu mash'3ola?" His heart started to beat. He was sitting out in the balcony with the door closed. He didn't want Razan waking up and hearing any of the arrangements he was making. "Halaa 7bebi shfek? Ofcourse im not busy, afthalek mdam 3ndek salfa muhma, inshala 5air? gool.." His Mother was a bit worried. She didn't know what to expect.

   "Walla madry shgoolch bs ana nwait atzawaj w b'3ait a5th rayech bl mawtho3 gbl ma aswe ayshay w at2kd mnech ina intay w oboy ma3ndkum ay mane3 ina ta56bonly il bnaya itha gltlkum ina abeeha 5ala9, maby aswe shay bdon rthakum" He wasn't sure what to say. His mother never opened the subject of marriage because she knew her son very well. When the time was right and when he lays his eyes on the girl he would come and talk to her about it. She was so happy. She was ecstatic and her a huge smile formed on her face.

   "Hathy ilsa3a ilmubarka ya 7amad, akeed ana obok ma3ndna mane3 w nadry ina inta mara7 t5tar ila ili wa7da ili dashat galbek w erta7tlaha.. mno hal bnaya ymkn en3arfhom aw shay, ba3ad tadry il kuwait 9'3eera kilman y3arf ilthany." She couldn't wait to know who her son has picked to be his wife. She started praying for him eb galbha ina allah ywafga w ysa5rla ilbnaya ili e5tarha.

   "Esmha Razan Al-Y w ehya tadrs ihne eb nafs iljam3a w masma3t 3anha ila kil 5air mn awal ma yait." He didn't want his mom to know they are in a relationship even though she was very understanding and would still approve but he didn't want them to know for Razan's sake. At the end of the day he doesn't know might happen. He might not get what he wished for and he doesn't want people to know ina they were dating because that wouldn't be good for Razan later on.

   "ya7lailha ehya bnt Al-Y?? Uhma 5osh nas w 3ayla san3a.. matdry mno oboha 7amad?" She knew a lot of people from the Al-Y family. "Embala, oboha M7amed Al-Y"
He didn't know if her mother knew them or not but he was hoping she did. "Ee a3arfhum zain.. murta a3arfha 9arle 30 sna w mn a3az rfejati, walla inhum 5osh nas w oboha mashallah 3lai rayal ma tsma3 3anna ila kil 5air w 3yalhum mtrabeen a7san tarbya w ilkel ytmanahum, ana agool twakal 3ala allah ana w obok emfaw8en. Muta ma tbena endg 3la ahal ilbnya bs 3a6ny 5abar. Wain alga bnaya a7san mn bnt M7amed Al-Y 7g wldy."

   He felt a huge weight was lifted of his chest and was relieved. His mother was over the moon happy and couldn't believe that her eldest son has decided to get married. This is every mothers dream. To see her kids get married and start their own family.

   So after 7amad got the approval of his parents her continued with the arrangements. He had one more call left to make and he was hoping this call would go well. He picked up his phone one last time and looked through his contacts for the name. He pressed the dial button and started at the screen waiting for the call to be connected.

   "Aloo.. hala 7amad" It was Aseel he was calling. He needed a huge favor from her but he had to make sure she would keep her mouth shut and not say one single word to Razan or the whole thing would be a mess. "Ahlaan.. shlonech?" They exchanged formalities and he then told her that Razan fell asleep last night and how she freaked out this morning and Aseel couldn't stop laughing at her how her friend reacted. "Mn 9jhaa?? ambaay walla hal bnaya et'tha7ak i don't know what can get into her sometimes."

   "Inzain Aseel... I need to ask you a huge favor bs gabl ma i ask you lazm you promise me that you will not tell a single soul about this and that you will not say one word to Razan. La2na if you do i will you hunt you down and kill you haha" He needed to hear her say that this won't get to Razan and this conversation will stay between them

   "7amad allah yhadak 5ara3tny shfek?? I won't tell anyone i promise bs gool sh3ndek?" He scared her a tiny bit. What has happened now that he didn't want Razan to find out. "I'm going to propose to Razan in 3 weeks"

   "9JJJ?? E77LEEF?? oh my god! oh my god! this is awesome! she is going to be SOOO happy!! waay 7amad im so happy for you both!! don't worry mara7 agoolaha shay 3shan ykon a7la surprise."

   He explained to her what he need from her. He needed her to go shopping for the date because if she wasn't dressed properly Razan is going to bite his head off after for not being properly dressed for the occasion. So he made sure Aseel took Razan shopping and anything she buys is on him. He explained to her what he wanted the night to be like and what he planned on doing.

   Aseel approved of all of his ideas. They were so romantic. She has never seen this side of 7amad before and made her excited. She was happy for him and after all she did think of him as a brother and every girl would be incredibly happy if her brother decided to get married.

   "Bs aby mnech shay wa7d ba3ad please, abech you come with me ring shopping. I want the perfect ring. I can't propose without the perfect ring and i need you to help me decide what to buy and also for the ring sizes. Intay w Razan have the same ring sizes 9a7?"

   "La2 Razan is one size smaller than me bs inshala ok akeed ra7 i help you. We'll find the ring that screams Razans name together." She can already imagine the ring Razan would want on her finger. They have actually talked about what they want their engagement rings to look like so she has a pretty good idea of what to look for.

   "Inzain 3ayal thats good.. 5ala9 ana ashof how things go and as soon as my ribs are completely better we start ring shopping" They said their goodbyes and made sure she doesn't say a single word or even drop hints.

   He got up and grabbed his crutches and made his way back to bed where Razan was sleeping. He slowly and lightly got into bed making sure he doesn't wake her up and he just laid there. Looking at her, taking in all of her features. It felt like it was the first time he has really looked at her even if it wasn't.

   Her long wavy light brown hair was fanned put behind her. Her flawless fair skin was so soft. Her eyelashes were so long and thick and they curved upwards. And her lips, her full pink luscious lips that have been luring him in for so long now were so relaxed and seemed like they were lightly smiling. He reached out and stroked her lips gently which made Razan smile. He didn't know if his action made her smile or if she was just having a very good dream. He didn't care as long as she was smiling.


  1. A5aaaaaaaaaaaih...
    Wallah 3jeeb halpost...
    They're getting married!!!
    7ada sweeeeeeet...
    I'm so excited...
    A7esa he's planned something awesome...
    7adi 7abaita wayed sweeeeet...
    Love u 7obi...

  2. amazing!!!
    wanasa 6ab3an i'm invited to the wedding:Pp~ (7adi m9adga;P)
    i love u;*

  3. wanasaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he is going to propose ya7lilah m5a6e6 7a8 kil shaay a7ibaaaaaa lol love the post post sooooon

    um flfola

  4. waaay 7ayati thnx 4 making the post longer it was amazing and cute....
    a7is thier engagment is gonna be amazing and full of sweet suprises...
    love You NA;*
