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Monday, May 31, 2010

Rebound Chapter 18: The smell of Coconut

   "MAMAA.. listen to me pleasee. I know the guy is probably great and all bs laish al7en intaw mo9reen ina i get married aw i think about it. I dont even know who the guy or his family are." Aseel walked into Razan's room rubbing her eyes. She woke up from her sleep to the sound of a very upset Razan speaking on the phone. She knew it was about the guy ili yaby ya56bha.

   Razan took one look at Aseel and tear began to fall down her face and her eyes were screaming confusion and pain. She walked up to the bed and just sat there. Within 5 seconds Razan placed her head on her lap and continued speaking with her mother. Aseel took her phone and texted 7amad informing him of what is happening but he didn't reply.

   The call between Razan and her mom ended and Razan was crying really hard now. She was scared of loosing 7amad. She was sacred that if the find out the guy is great she would agree to please her parents. She couldn't believe her luck. "Aseeellll... shswe what if he's a good guy w ygwlonly mdam ma 3ndch a7ad w mdam you have no good reason to reject him go for it w a5tha to please them!! what about 7amad?? Abyyy! A7bbaa!!"

   She was panicking. Aseel knew there was no way her parents would force her into this bs ham 9a7 kalamha itha ilrayal mafe shay w ehya ma3ndaha 3ethr mu8ne3 laish tarftha. "Baabyy come down tkfain 3awartay galby.. Inshala mako ila il5air w mara7 ta5then wa7d mu mn n9eebch. Please stop crying Razan 3shan we think together w enshof shno enswe."

   They suddenly heard the apartment door open and slam shut. "RAZZAAN!" It was 7amad. Razan looked at Aseel and all she did was smile back and she knew Aseel called 7amad for her. She got off the bed and ran to the doorway and through herself into his arms. 7amad felt like she was too weak. She has no strength to hold her self up so he picked her up. She felt tiny in his arms but she perfectly fit. It was made just for her. It was custom made to fit her petite little figure. No one else would fit in these arms as perfectly as her.

   He carried her over to the big couch in there living room and sat down with her still in his arms crying her eyes out like there was no tomorrow. "Razan.. ana ams w bl hospital shno gltch? Mo glt ra7 as3dech w mara7 a5lech tz3len lo dgega wa7da as long as im living? Bs stop crying 3ashan 5a6ry. Itha i mean anything to you please stop crying." He was whispering those words into her ear. He didn't force her to look at him and didn't want to force her to stop crying but he had to say something to calm her down.

   His voice alone was soothing to her. It sounded like a symphony. It was the best thing she has ever heard in her life. She held her breath as an attempt to stop her sobbing and tears but she was still shaking. She lifted her head up and looked into his eyes. His beautiful eyes were in pain. They were sad. She has never seen so much sadness in someone's eyes. It made her hurt even more. She realized that this would effect him more than it would effect her.

   "7amad i want YOU, don't let them take me away from you.... please" She said please in the lowest voice possible. 7amad's heart ached at her words. If only she knew what he was willing to do to stop them she wouldn't have said that. "Ya ba3ad galb 7amad no one will take you away from me. Your mine, all mine. Ma7ad ra7 ya'39bech tzawjain a7ad intay matbeena. Its your life. Your decision."

   She dropped her head back onto his chest and just sat there. She listened to his heart beats and then synchronized her breathing with his heart. She felt like they were one. As much as she wanted to stay in him arms and not go anywhere she needed to be strong. She got up, wiped her face with the back of her hand like a 3 year old and smiled at him "Do want to drink anything? Coffee?" 7amad giggled at how strong she wanted to be. "Coffee would be great."

   They spend the next few hours talking about random things and just enjoying each others company. The matter hasn't been mentioned, not once. They were avoiding it for the mean time.

   Until Razan's phone rang. She got up and walked to the table and looked at the screen. It said incoming call Mom. She turned to 7amad and answered the phone. "Halaa Mamaa.." She turning pale. The color began to drain from her face as she heard her mothers words through the phone. "......Inshala mama ra7 i think about it w a9aly, ili tbone y9er....ma3a ilsalama" She calmly placed the phone back on the table and looked up at 7amad who apparently walked over to her without her realizing.

   "Baba ygool ilrayal 5osh wa7d w sma3 3anna kl shay zain.. yboony i think about it w ast5eer...." 7amad thought he completely lost her in that moment. He had no chance now what so ever. Her parents are trying to convince her and there was no way she would tell her parents she doesn't want the guy because she is in love with someone else.

   7amad kissed her on head a long loving kiss. He smelt her hair. It had the smell of coconut with something else. He couldn't put his finger on it but he new it was the best scent he would ever smell throughout his life. "I'll see you later baby ok?" He could not sit there anymore. With that he left the apartment heading nowhere in particular. He just needed to clear his head....


  1. ombaaaih 7araaam 7amaad !! i hope he calls razan's dad wegoolaha uhwa yabeeha !!
    nooo i want themm to be together ! inshallaah everything works out for them ;s ..
    thaanx for the post ! kil ma5al9 post agool inshallaah may9eer shay oo they get married oo be together ;p oo a5rat'haa pooof 6la3atlena salfa ydeeda ;p
    next post please ;*

  2. 7amad is broken hearted:(
    this post was 3jeeb 7asait ina i was in the scene
    i love u

  3. 7aram maskeen...
    He could call oo ygool ena yabeeha...
    Aw ehya tgdar tst5eer oo tgool ena balha moo merta7la...
    Bas 7aram 7amad kesar 5a6ri...
    Love u 7beebti...

  4. laaaaaaaaaaa2 laish chithi 7araaaaaaam masakeen wala 7amad kesar 5a6rii 7ata razan maskenaa tegdar tarfetha 5atgool ma abe o 7amad ydig o ya56ebhaa ! 7beebty post soon

    um flfola

  5. dalal: hehe i liked the "poof" inshala i'll try not put in ashya2 ydeda bs no promised haha

    mimi: i love it when someone says that! i always my readers to feel the scenes

    7awoor: im writing this and 7amad ga3d yaksr 5a6ry aana ba3ad LOL! weird i knooww

    um flfola: inshalaa will post bacher :*

  6. Omg... firstly i just came across your blog and basically stayed glued to the laptop so i could catch up
    Mashallah you are an amazing writer... you get your readers to feel exactly what the characters are feeling...
    love every bit of it
    ahhh but ill be soooooo sad if 7amad isnt the one!!!
    waiting on your next one :)

  7. thank you for reading! and im glad you enjoyed it and read the whole thing!!
