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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rebound Chapter 8: Ward 4 Room 36

   By the end of the next day Razan was beginning to get mad at the fact that 7amad still didn't call or message her to meet up and discuss their situation. "Aseel ya3ne mu ma38oola ilyoum he's busy ba3ad!! y3ne ams kan 3nda meeting at the estate agents ok 6awfna, ilyoum sh3ndaa?? itha mayaby he discusses this situation 5al ygool bs la yg3ad he acts like he doesnt even care about what i heard!"

   She was very hurt and expected this from anyone but 7amad. She couldn't imagine why he didn't call by now and began to really believe that yesterdays reason was actually an excuse to avoid the conversation they would end up having.

   "Razan 7beebti, be patient stop getting mad. Matdren shno '6rofa today 6awlay balech w inshala when the time is right ra7 tg3don together and talk about anything you wish to tell him. Please calm down mala da3y kil hal a39ab." Aseel was trying to reason with her. She couldnt come up with any more excuses. She used every excuse in the book to cover up for 7amad being in the hospital but Razan was growing impatient and nothing else Aseel is going to say would calm her down.

   "Im not getting mad bs ya3ny its starting to hurt. The idea of him avoiding me really hurts. Shno ya3ne ma 7awl he explains anything to me laima al7en. Ya3ne uhwa 3ajba ina ana al7en ga3da w im thinking ina he used me to get over some other girl??" Her voice sounded like it was beginning to break but she tried as hard as she can to fight back any tears that are forming.

   "5ala9 intay wait laima tomorrow morning. Itha he didnt call you text him and tell him you want to discuss hal salfa la2na mu 3ajbch ilwath3 chthe ok??" She looked at Razan hoping she would accept the idea. All she did was nod in agreement while her eyes shifted to the window and her thoughts began to trail off. Aseel didnt want to disturb her so she decided to get up and make them sandwiches with some coffee for dinner since Razan has been refusing to eat properly la2na she lost her appetite.

   As she was making the sandwiches she managed to text 7amad bdon ma Razan et7es eb shay. Galatla ina Razan was losing her patients w ina lazm tadre inek bl mustashfa. He wasn't going to be leaving before noon the next day and he has to go home rest. After a few messages he replied telling Aseel to bring Razan to the hospital the next day without letting her know what had happened. She was to tell Razan that she needed to get her blood test results and once they were there she would go up to is room and explain everything.

   It seemed like a good idea. Razans mind would be at ease afterwards knowing why he didnt call and it would all happen without her worrying about 7amad. She is going to mad at 7amad and Aseel for doing this and lying but it was for her own good. Atleast she will find out after she has seen him w t6aman ina he is fine and it was just precaution keeping him in the hospital.

   The next morning Aseel woke Razan up and told her that they will be having a girls day out. Breakfast, shopping, coffee and then maybe some more shopping. She hated lying like this but she needed Razan to get out of the house with a convincing plan of the day so she could take her to 7amad.
  They both showered and got dressed. They both looked pretty even with the minimal make up. Aseel looked different than Razan. Somewhat the opposite. She was taller and thinner with thick dark brown hair. She was naturally tanned and had wide brown eyes with a small nose and full lips. She was beautiful mashallah and she doesnt have to try. People are always surprised when they meet them because of the difference in their looks.
   So after breakfast and a bit of shopping it was about 11.00 and Aseel decided it was time to take Razan to 7amad. " Razan please do you mind if we pass by the hospital al7en. Fe a blood test i have to pick up, abe aroo7 gabl ma ysakron il lab."

   She hoped that was convincing enough. "Ee akeed shda3wa.. yalla lets go al7en ba3dain enkaml shopping, come on la nt25ar 3al lab..." Aseel smiled. That wasn't so hard. 7mdilla the hard part was over and she will be able to relax after things clear up.

   They made their way to the hospital which took about 15 minutes. As they entered Razan was reminded of why she hates hospital. The smell of the place always made her feel sick. The walls, beds, gowns and everything around her was white. As much as white should be a soothing, pure color. When she sees them in hospital she always feel disturbed and uncomfortable.
   As white and clean as a hospital can be it is a place that possesses and holds pain and illness inside its walls. It expresses sadness and loss. She can never feel happy in a hospital even though she knows that new lives are born in hospitals. That families expand and become happy in hospitals. She can never find that happiness and peace between these 4 walls.

   As her thoughts trailed off the signs hanging from the ceiling with the all the different departments and wards caught her eye. The lab was on the right but Aseel seems to be walking into the left corridor. " Aseeeel... the lab is this way shfech, look at the sign." She just thought that Aseel took a wrong turn.

   Crap, i didn't see that coming, damn what am i going to say!!  "Umm.. yaa ee adry bs ana broo7 to the doctors office gelt a7san a5th'hum mna 3shan he reads me the results. These tests are very confusing i never know what they say." Her heart began to beat faster. She feared that Razan would notice the fear and worry in her eyes. "ohh ook...hahaha 3baly you forgot your way" Razan bought that because it seemed reasonable.

   They kept walking until they entered ward 4. Two minutes later Aseel stood infront of Patient room 36. " Razan.. im sorry about all this walla ma knt aby i lie bs i had no choice but to do that.. Go in you'll understand what i mean." Suddenly Razan felt confused. She couldn't understand what Aseel meant. Lying? What was she lying about? Whats going on??

   She stood there staring at her with a blank face. She was very confused. "Aseel shga3da etgwlen? Lie about what? what the hell is going on?" Aseel smiled back at her and said "Just open the door and walk inside ra7 tfhmen what i mean bs dont forget ina a7bch and i wouldn't lie unless i really needed to" She winked at her and walked away to go wait at seating area.

   She turned around slowly opening the door. Her heart began to race. Her body was so hot she was scared. She didn't know what to expect. When she walked in and took a look at 7amad in that bed with a huge cast on his leg, her heart skipped a beat. She gasped for air and stood there. Froze right there and couldn't move or take her eyes of him.

   He had a huge bruise on his forehead and stitches on his right cheek. A large piece of bandage was wrapped around his chest. " Hi Razan.. come in shfech im fine ta3alay g3day... pleeasee" 7amad was smiling at her until he saw one single tear roll down her left cheek.


  1. a5aaaaaaaaaaaaih...
    the single tear...
    waaaaaaaaaay ya galbi...
    7aram maskeena...
    eli y7eb ma yet7amal yshoof 7beeba met3awer...
    kesrat 5a6ri razan in the post...
    la2anha ma tadri 3an shay...
    can't wait for his explanation...
    he does love her right???
    a5aaaaaaaaaih 3al7ob...
    shay 3ajeeeeeeeb...
    love u waaaaaaaayed 7beebti...
    hope ur doing well...

  2. 7araaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam maskena ! 7ata ohwa yakser el 5a6er :( love the post 7bebty cant waaaait for the next post , plz post sooooooooooooon

    um flfola

  3. I have been reading ur blog since
    the first time u started writing..

    I love everything u write, mashallah ur talented..

    7aram 7amad:* 7ayaty 7abaita:****

    Can't wait for the next post

  4. 7awoor: ya love is shay 3ajeeeb.. im doing good 7bebti thanks, how about u ?? :** love u

    mimi: la she wont hehehe

    um flfola: i just posted 3shankm :**

    N: thank you for the comment its good to know there are more readers out there :** thanks a lot!!
