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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rebound Chapter 10: Warmth and innocence

Sorry for posting so late bs i had a long day. I didnt re-read the post because im exhausted and really need to get to bed fa itha fa ayshay '3ala6 please 6awfaw :s
Oohhh annd 7mdila i did ok on my last exams! can't believe it's finally over!! good luck any of you who have exams! allah ysahl 3laikm inshala :**
Razan left the room and walked towards the seating are. She saw saw Aseel sitting on the chairs with her back towards her. She walked up to Aseels back and smacked her on the head real hard.

   "AAAAYYYY!! What was that for 3awrateeeniii!" Aseel quickly got up and turned to face Razan with a shocked and surprised face. "Thats for lying to me!! Shlon matgwlen ina 7amad bl mustashfaaa! YOU KNEW ALL ALONG!" Razan was mad at Aseel but not fighting mad. It was the kind of mad that you can laugh at during the situation. Et3arfon lama et3a9bon bs ina mu mn galb em3a9ben chthe..

   "Razzaann ya3ny shno tbeni agoolch! you know how you are and with everything that happened bainkum ma knt abech et7aten aw t5afen! i was doing you a favor" She explained looking at Razan with large puppy eyes t7awl taksr 5a6rha.

   "You and those puppy eyes. One day ra7 you try that look on someone w mara7 ya36ech wayh bshof shlon btaksren 5a6rhm wakt'ha! I know why you did bs ya3ny shfteeni i was worried ina 7amad mayaby yshoffnyyy!" She joked with Aseel to lighten up the air. "Ee bs uhwa ma kan ybeeni agoolch w plus i was trying to calm you down and talk some sense into you as much as i could bs ma mnech fayda!" Aseel tried to annoy her a bit 3shan t'th7ak shway

   "You want another smack on the head?? Shaklech embala tbeen!"
   " NNOO.. i dont no thanks no smacking.. inzain sit down, gwleli sh9ar bainkum??" She couldn't wait to know if things are better between them.

   Razan sat down beside her and took a long deep breathe trying to relax after that long conversation with 7amad. "He explained his relationship with this Jenna girl he used to know who how what happened bainhum w shlon she lied to him and that after they talked things through they broke up l2na he couldn't trust her again w shlon after that the guyz tried to fix him up with girls and all w awal ma sa2lta 3an shno Nasser galy chan ydsh il doctor and asks me to step out so he can do his check up."

   "So you didn't clear everything up laima al7en! 9arlkum sa3a ga3den w laima al7en he didn't explain, ooff 3la broodkum ana ga3da ihne a7atekum, ga3da 3la a39aby w intaw ga3den etsolfon eb kil brood!" Aseel was beginning to become frustrated because she wan't to make sure they don't break up, they can't break up. They love each other too much.

   "Shfech wayd msta3eela hahaha 9bray shway everything is going to happen bs be patient!" Razan kanat ga3da t'th7ak 3ala Aseel because she was more nervous than she was.

   They talked about random things as they waited for the doctor to leave 7amad's room. A few minutes later the nurse came out and asked Razan to come back into the room and that the doctor finished with the check and is just giving some information to 7amad.

   "Aseel ta3lay ma3ay, mnha etsalmen 3la 7amad w mnha 3shan ma ag3ad broo7y walla im worried about what 7amad is going to say." She tried to convice Aseel even though she knew she wouldn't be coming. "La Razan this is a conversation between you two and should have it alone mala da3y aye ma3ach. Besides 7amad y7bech w akeed Nasser 9j 6ala3 '3al6an bl 7achy."

   Razan got up and slowly walked back to 7amad's room. As soon as she stepped in the doctor looked up and smiled at her which made her blush deeply. She walked across the room and stood besides 7amad's head. Once she stood 7amad reached up for her hand and interlocked his fingers into hers.

   "So, I just explained to Hamad that he has rest at home for 2 weeks atleast and not to over work himself especially with his bruised ribs. He has an appointment in two weeks time for a check and also to get another x-ray of his leg to make sure the bone is healing properly. Im hoping things would go as expected as long as he doesn't strain himself with any unnecessary movement." The doctor explained to her what 7amad should and should not be doing and then he said a sentence that completely caught her off guard and she was not expecting.

   "Take good care of him Mrs Al-X, he really needs it at the moment" He winked at her. Razan didn't realized how many shades of red she turned and she looked to the ground saying "Ofcourse i will doctor don't worry about it" Right as the doctor walked out the door.

   7amad squeezed her hand and was uncontrollably smiling. "3jebtch Mrs Al-X?? Do you want to be called that one day? Mrs Al-X" He couldn't help but asked since the subject was opened. "Hmm?? masma3tek..." She tried to act as if she didn't hear him but that wasn't going to work.

   He pulled her infront of him and she sat down facing him with her head dropping down and her eyes lost on the tiles on the floor. "Embala sma3teeni and you heard me well." He lifted her chin up with his finger trying to get her to look at him. "Do you want to be called Mrs Al-X one day? Mafeha shay answer with your heart."

   Razan didn't want to say yes, especially that right now she doesn't know what actually happened. "7amad laish ga3d ta7rejni mala da3y chthe... im not going to answer you" Her voice was very low and her face was a very dark shade of red.

   "5ala9 dont answer me al7en bs ra7 eyi youm ra7 ard as2lch and i expect and answer" His voice had this tone to it. A happy yet evil tone to it. Chna 3raf ina by saying that he is causing her to blush even more.

   "7amad... I really need to know itha 7che Nasser is true or not. Please i've waited too long i need an answer galby ga3d ytga6a3. This hurts to much!" She asked him one final time knowing that he has to answer her. "Salamat galbech yal '3alya" He placed a soft kiss into the palm of her hand which sent chills up and down her spine. "6al3eeni.. lift you head up and look at me please, whatever Nasser told is NOT true, it is nothing like what he made you believe.

   She looked straight into his eyes. She forgot how much she loves his eyes and warm they are. She can get lost in his eyes for hours and hours. They looked genuine, innocent and pure. They possess love, care, passion and kindness. She believed him. She believed him because his eyes where already beginning to explain things to her before his lips even opened to speak.


  1. Allaaaaaaaaaaaah...
    9arat mrs al-x...
    A5aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaih twanes...
    7abait eldoc wehwa he assumes enha merta...
    Oo 7abait her blushing...
    3ajeeb elpost...
    Love u wayed 7beebti...
    Yyanen elpost, can't wait for the next one...
    I'm so glad u finally finished ur exams...
    Ya 7athich...
    Elsummer bedaaaaa!!!
    Have fun 7beebti...
    U deserve it...
    Well done...
    Love u wayed ya 7ilwa...

  2. thank you 7beebti :*
    im glad you like it walla i was writing and was tooo tired bs glt 7aram i promised you guyz a post so i stayed up w 5al9ta
    yea summer started!!
    inshala intay ba3ad et5al9en very soon and enjoy your summer:** love uuu

  3. Mrs Al-X Loooooool ya7lilhom 7amad a7ibaaa 7ada 3ajeeb love the post !! wanasaaa 5ala9tay exams wa25eraan ana lil7eeen :( waaai3 lol post sooon

    um flfola

  4. :D
    im so happy for them!!!
    oo mabrook enjoy summer!!!!!

  5. luuuuuved it
    a7ss kan el maw8f mu7rij yoom galha "3jbetch mrs al-x?" OMG Blushiiiiing biiigtiime

    looking forwarrd for the nxtt ;;;;****


  6. loved it;***
    wanasa you finished exams 3ad ma awa9eech enjoy your summer....
    ana nxt week a5ali9 yaaaaaaay....

    loved 7amads question....

  7. ee i am soo going to enojoy mu summer bs 5al ard home! and i hope you ALL enjoy your summers too!!
    NA hope you do well in you exams inshala! hopefully fe post tonight and not as late as ams :* love u!
