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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Rebound Chapter 14: Ready or Not

I know its veeryyy short bs my flight is in the morning and i didn't finish packing and i need to sleep too. I can't post tomorrow because im going to be on a plane bs inshala a veeryyy long post will be ready for you guys on thursday.. ssooorry for not posting for a few days but its been a bit busy enjoooyy :**

  2 weeks have passed and it was time for his check up. His ribs we're fine now and the doctor said his leg was healing well and that inshala in a weeks time the cast is coming off. He was excited that things were going as planned w mabuga shay to THE day.

   Meanwhile Razan and Aseel have spent most of their days shopping. They were shopping for fun and Aseel was hoping that Razan would find something that looks stunning for the night. 7amad had told her that they will be going on a date in a week and since they actually haven't been out in a while she didn't need convincing to go out and buy something beautiful. She wanted to look amazing for him and take his breath away. Its been a while.

   She found a white-cream short puffed layered skirt with a sleeveless black top that has a few ruffles by the neck from Chanel and a black simple cardigan. She matched it with a Pearl necklace and pearl stud earrings that she got from her grandmother as her 20th birthday present. She was going to wear her black pump Louboutins.

   She decided to have her hair curled and tied up in a messy classy bun and for the make up she was going with simple. Eyeliner, mascara, blush and a light purply lipstick. She can already imagine what she will look like on the day. She couldn't help but smile. She couldn't wait for their date.

   7amad on the other hand asked Aseel to go with him shopping that day after his appointment because he had no idea what he wanted to wear for the day. They went to several places and they were at Ralph Lauren looking at their shirts.

   "7amad shfek wla shay 3ajbek.. i swear hal 8amee9 lona 3ajeeb! w tadry ina Razan loves shirts on you!" He had tried on a navy blue shirt with the Ralph Laurans logo on the left side and the sleeves fold up to reveal the white fabric underneath. It was very classy and he looked very elegant in it.

   "Aseel la mara7 albs a navy blue shirt ma3a dark jeans. It won't look nice, dark with dark... madry i'll see itha fe other colors" He didn't want to look to dark. He went to almost every store and nothing her saw he liked. He wanted to look nice for Razan. He wanted the day to be perfect!

   To his luck the shirt came in a crisp white color. He liked how the olive logo on the left looked against the white shirt. He went for it and decided to also stick to the dark jeans he had bought for the night.

   He also decided to wear a long olive sleeve v-neck blouse since it was cold. Everything was ready. The reservations were all made. All the purchases have been picked up and the ring was going to be ready in 2 days. He smiled at the thought of the ring and how it would sparkle on her finger.

   "Aseel akeed she is going to like the ring? What if its not what she imagined her engagement ring to be shlon?" He began to freak out a bit. He wanted her to be blown away by every single detail and the most important detail was the ring.

   "Walla ra7 ya3jbha.. believe me, just look at her face once she sees it w gwl Aseel ma galat ina her jaw is going to drop a million times."


  1. Allaaaaaaaaaaaah...
    3jeeb elpost...
    I can't wait for the night...
    7ayati to9leen belsalama...
    6amneena bas to9leen...
    Allah y7afthich yalghalya...
    Love u so much...

  2. yaa7lilaaaaaah m7aate lol 7ada yshaweg ! a7ibaa wala o razan a7is she will look amazing o 7beebty too9leen bil salama inshalah love you

    um flfola

  3. wanasa yalla im waiting for the night:D!!!!!
    love u;**
