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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Rebound Chapter 19: The Docks

Sorry for not posting ams ensh'3alt shway :s enjooyy :***

   Razan got up and made her way into her room. She got into the bathroom w twathat 3shan et9aly rk3tain w tst5eer. Da3at rabha ina ayshay y9er ykon 5air laha and that she wil accept anything that is in store for her. She was crying. She was in so much pain and her heart was aching. It wasn't just the saying of someone's heart aching because of a situation.

   No, she could actually feel her chest being in pain. Her heart beats weren't as calm and serene as they were before. They have now become the source of her pain. With every heart beat she would ache even more. It felt like it was symbolizing how long this ordeal has been going on for. Even though it was only a few hours. With the number of heart beats she felt though these few hours, it made it feel like days and days.

   Razan went to Aseel's room. She loved how Aseel gave them their privacy to talk about this. Even though she was more than welcome to come into the conversation she didn't. She wanted them to talk this out alone. She pushed the door open and peeked in to check if Aseel was up. "Ga3da??" Razan asked softly just incase she was asleep. She didn't want to wake her up.

   "Ee 7bebti i am.. come in" Aseel pulled herself up and sat on the bed cross-legged. She didn't ask about what happened trying not to force that conversation. She felt like that Razan may not want to talk about this again. "He left... madry wain ra7 Aseel ga3da a7atee. 6ala3 bdon maygol wain ray7 w ana adry ina uhwa waayydd mt'thayg mn my mom's phone call." Her eyes filled up with tears again. She felt lost.

   "Im sure he's fine. Itha wayd your worried about him text him.... Razan do you think your parents would actually force you into this?" No one knew her parents more than her she akeed ra7 t3arf how her parents think. "No ahaly mu chthe bs ina itha the guy y6la3 zain w mafy shay ra7 ygwlonly you have no reason to say no. Omi tadry im not against getting married while studying w ma agdar agoolhm fe a7ad eb 7yate and he proposed and i said yes. Even though they would understand bs Aseel ma agdar agoolhm chthe shbegolon??"

   Aseel knew she was right and that was the scary part. Not having a good enough reason to say no freaked her out. "Inshala may9er shay you dont want bs Razan fakray feha cthe.. whatever happens inshala 5eera and you have to except that. Im not trying to crush your hopes im just trying to make look at both perspectives. "

   7amad just sat there on the dock. Staring at the sea. His mind was actually blank. He let the smell of the sea consume him. He believed that  no one would be able to console a person more than the sea. He felt like the sea would reflect the emotions of the person reaching out for it. He didn't think about loosing Razan. He didn't think about her being in the arms of someone else. He didn't think about how another man might give her first kiss. 7amad's mind was literally blank. No thoughts. Nothing.

   Then it him. If his mother can't call because she knew about this other guy, he could call her father and speak to him directly as if he knew nothing about it. Better yet, he can go back to kuwait even if it was for 3 days and talk to him in person. After all, her father would know who he is since Razan's mother and his mother were old friends. He excitedly got his phone out and almost dropped it in the water from all the excitement he had in him but he managed to securely hold it against his lap. He called his travel agent and booked a flight for later that night.

   Razan recieved one message:
   I'm flying back to kuwait for 3 days to go talk to your father in person. If my mother can't talk to your mother because she knows about this other guy then i can. I promised that i won't let them take you away from me and i'm keeping my promies. I love you :*


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww
    that was an amazing ending for the post:D
    i love u

  2. and im First again :DD
    wanasa 7adi mishta6a:P
    i love u even more

  3. yaaaaaaaaaay!!!
    so exciting!!!
    i knew he would find a way!!!
    how amazing is 7amad...
    wallah sh7elwa yyanen...
    enshallah everything will go fine...
    can't wait to c what the baba says...
    love u ya 7ilwa...

  4. WooooooW :D !!
    Il 7imdilla i ddnt hv to wait to
    knw wat is he gonna do :p
    i missed the last 4 chaperter
    tawa geraaithom kilhum :D
    yalllaa next post :D
    mashkooooora for the posts 7abeeeebty

  5. mimi: hehe ur amazing!! i love when i read you first comments they make me laugh :**

    7awoor: inshala enshof wat her baba says! lovee uuu :*

    springyaa: hehe im glad you caught up with the chapters!
