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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Rebound Chapter 28: Parking Lots

   7amad stood their lost, upset and hurt as well. It wasn't only Razan that was hurt, those words she spit out at the end hurt him too. They broke him. They can't be over, they are far from being over. He couldn't think straight his mind was wondering rushing to different places at once. He didn't know what to take care of first. How is he going to deal with all of this. He walked back up to the 12th floor after hearing Razan walking into the 9th floor to probably take the elevator. He decided to let her calm down before talking to her.

   He stood outside the door and walked back and forth while rubbing his hand over his head trying to calm down a bit and compose himself. He took a deep breathe and opened the door to walk back to his office. He knew he had some explaining to do but he was going to avoid it. He had no idea how to justify or explain what they just witnessed.

   7amad decided to walk into the office and jump right back into the conversation they were having to not give them a chance to ask. As he walked in he avoided their eyes but he can feel their stares burning holes into him. He started talking but frankly he had no idea what he was saying. He walked back to behind his desk to take a seat when he looked up and saw A7mad's and Jenna's overflowing with questions.

   "What?? don't expect me to explains this is soo not the right time!!" He had no other choice but to tell them that so they don't expect any sort of explanation. "Where were we? Its getting late and i've been here all day i need to go home and so do the both of you." He was exhausted and really was too tired to think about problems anymore. "Umm... well we were about to conclude that Jenna is old enough ina tro7 trfa3 8athya 3ala raylha and the judge will definitely be on her side because we have enough evidence and medical reports to prove that he has abused her which caused a miscarriage recently, It might even be enough to get him charged."

   7amad was nodding at what he was told. It seemed right but he had a feeling this wasn't going to go as smooth as they are all hoping for. Jenna's father won't let this pass when he finds out. They need to get Jenna to a safe place or else the second her father lays his hands on her there is nothing anyone could do to stop him.

   "Ok.. that sounds like a plan but we still have a problem. Jenna needs to go somewhere safe. No hotels, no resorts, nowhere where her father might go searching for her..." He was thinking hard for a place but he just couldn't come up with a safe place. He suddenly got up and grabbed his keys. "Get up lets go i know where to take her. I'll explain in the car." They didn't question his sudden actions and they just got up to follow him.

   Meanwhile, Razan got into her car but her eyes were filled with tears that she couldn't see clearly and everything in front of her was cloudy. She knew for sure that she shouldn't drive home. She picked up her phone and struggled as she dialed Aseel's number. She didn't know who else to call.

   "Aloo..." Thats all it took for Razan to start crying so hard again. "Aseeel!! come get mee! pleeaasee come get me i can't drive! I can't breath!!" Aseel was shocked and alarmed she had no idea what on earth was going on all she could hear was Razan crying and trying to gasp for air "Razan shfeech??? where are you!?" She had no idea what she should be saying. She tried to calm her down or should she just find out where she is and go to her. "7amad's dads company! Aseel.... pllleeassee bsr3a! I.. I... I can't breeeaathh!!"

   "Ok ok ana kany yaya now!! where are you exactly 3shan ayelch bsr3a w i don't look!" She had to save as much time as she could she had no idea what Razan's situation is and if she is hurt or not. She wanted to go directly to her. "Parking block, 3rd level" Aseel said ok and quickly closed the phone. She wanted to stay on the line and calm Razan down but that would distract her and she wouldn't drive properly and quickly.

   Razan sat there and just kept crying her eyes out. She loved him and on the day that he was suppose to be in her house with his mother she finds out that she really was just the rebound girl to him and he went running back to Jenna the second he got the chance to do so. It hurt her to know that and to see it in his eyes that he wasn't going to tell her. He might have had a perfectly good reason to keep it from her but she would have found out sooner or later and it would still have shattered her. At least now she knew before things became official.

   She was mad at herself for not listening to the feeling in her gut and that she tried to push her fears away. She was always right when she had a feeling but she chose to ignore it this time because she truly believed that 7amad loved her and he wouldn't abandon her.  But apparently she was wrong.

   Razan suddenly heard a tap on the window and jumped at the sound. She turned to the window and tried to see who it was but she couldn't with all the tears. She slowly wiped her eyes with the back of her hands and looked again but she couldn't recognize the face so she rolled down the window and just sat there not saying a word. She had no idea what to say and her face probably terrified the person as her eye make up is surely all over her face.

   "ilsalam 3laikum... e5ti 9arle 5 dgayg ga3d eb syarty w el9ara7a mu gadr amshe mn ihne shaklch y3awr ilgalbe glt aye ashof itha b'3aitay ay musa3ada.... mn muta intay ga3da ihne?" The man sounded very sincere and worried. Razan didn't know how to respond "Aaahh la im fine... umm.. mashkor maga9art you can go i'll be fine someone is coming for me now."

   The man looked at her not entirely convinced but decided to give her space. If she said she's fine then he's just going to leave her alone "Ok 3ayal ana brd sayrte bs ban6r laima ashof a7ad eyelch, its not safe for a woman to be in a parking lot in her car all alone.. if you need anything i'll be over there." He pointed over to his car. Right then they heard the large metal door open and 3 people walking into the parking lot.

   7amad spotted Razan's car as soon and he walked out but there was someone standing there. He squinted his eyes trying hard to recognize that man's face. "Is that... is that bader from accountings???" He was furious. How on earth does she know HIM! Bader turned around and saw them. 7amad saw him turn back to Razan, he said something then left and made his way to his car.

   "Come on lets go!" He had anger in his voice. Jenna had to ask as he was scaring her now. "Where are we going 7amad?!" He was silent for a few seconds then said with a stern voice "ilshalaih..."


  1. AMAZIIIING<3 el story eb kobrha literally amazing mashalaa;;**
    ur gifted babe! ur are a Faab writer walaa
    im very happy to be reading ur story
    m3anah el post 7ada does not send a happy thoughts;P
    be it was 3ajeeb
    keep doing ur wriiting
    and by the way i LOVE it<3
    -Little Miss Sunshine

  2. Eee b3ad 9aa7 tawni astwa3ib FIIIIRST!!!!

    -Little Miss Sunshine

  3. i'll start reading this story 2 but plz visit my blog and read mine at

  4. little miss sunshine: hehehe yes u r first! thank you for reading it sweetheart and im glad your reading it as well! the more support i get the more i want to write.. hehe inshala soon enough my posts will send happy thoughts
    love u too :***

    N: im going to read it now inshala and i'll comment on the posts ;) enjoyyy :*

  5. lil7eeeen 8ahernii 7amad :@ maskenaaa razan shakla bt9eer salfa ma3a bader pllllllllllz post sooooooon

    um flfola




  7. ahhhhhh i love ur story:** girl u hav a gift;D

    umbaaaai 7raam 7amad ksar 5a6ree wayd 6ayb:( o jenna its not her fault that she has a horrible life!!! i hope she finds the perfect guy someday not 7amad!!

    o 7araaaam razaan yooom 56bat'ha chthe y9eer:(

    o badr seems like a good guy i hope yn3jb ib aseel:Pp
    plzzzz post soon o inshalla klshai gets fixed

  8. 7ayaaaaaaaaaaaaati...
    Tadreen I saved your post???
    Ams knt agdar agraah belail bs Kent ta3bana 7adi oo na3sana...
    Si gelt bas ag3ad bagra the next chapter...
    It was worth the wait 7beeeeeebti...
    I love how well u describe the emotions...
    Absolutely perfect...
    I felt like I was with her t3arfeen, in the car experiencing her pain...
    Maskeena 7araaaaaam 9a7...
    Wel7een bader dash bel7esba so el7beeb be3a9eb wehya shafeta ma3a janoooooo ekmalat!!!
    Love u so much 7beeeeeebti...
