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Monday, June 07, 2010

Rebound Chapter 22: Grass in a Photo

   Something caught 7amad's eye on the cabinets behind Mr Al-X's desk. It had photos of places and people but one photo in particular caught his attention. It was of a young girl. She was about 7. She was on the grass laying down with her hair fanned out around her and it looked like she was laughing so hard at the time. The carefree laugh kids had. It made him smile immediately. He recognized the 7 year old as Razan from her fair skin, grey eyes and light brown hair.

   Razan's father noticed how engrossed 7amad was in the photos so he decided to start their conversation with a broad subject. "Hathe bnty Razan, bs al7en mashala 3laiha she's 23 w tadrs eb amreeka"

   "3amy latfhamny '3ala6 bs.. i can recognize those eyes anywhere." He looked back at Razan's father to find a confused expression spread across his face. "3amy ana adrs eb nafs jam3at Razan w bakoon 9aree7 ma3ak w ma aby alf w adoor and i would like to cut to the chase." He look at the photo again and took a deep breath. "il9ara7a ana madry shgoolek bl '6ab6 bs ana maknt adry ina Razan kuwaitya w maknt ashofha bl campus mal iljam3a, aw ymkn knt ashofha bs ma3rfha wla adry inha kuwaitya." He wanted to explain everything to him and to be completely honest. He didn't want to lie but there where a few things he had to leave out.

   "W eb 9ara7a ma7ad kan yadry inha kuwaitya la2na mthal matdry malam7ha w shakla kilish maybayn 3laiha w eb nafs ilwakt mashala 3laiha malha shu'3l eb a7ad wla et7eb t7tak eb nas mala da3y t7tak fehm fa ma7ad mn ilkuwaityen ili ana a3arfhm ihnak kanaw yadron ehya mno" He began to remember the events of everything that lead to them bumping into each other.

   "Ana marra kint ray7a ilmaktba adrs w knt mask eb eedi ktab w i bumped into Razan w 6aya7t kutbha. Knt laima al7en adry inha kuwaitya fa t2sft laha bs esta'3rabt lama sma3t'ha teklam bl 3arabi. Fa eb hal la7tha i knew bs shlt ila'3rath w mshait mahma kan mu 7lwa aklm ilbnt w ana ma3rfha glt ymkn yshofna w mu 7lwa eb 7agha..."

   He had to leave out the conversation they had and that things progressed. 7amad loves her and he knows this was something her father won't accept even if he is here to ask for her hand. "ilmuhm 3amy ana mn shft'ha w ehya dshat glby wayd w kalamt ilwalda 3anha w 6ala3 ina omi w om Razan y3arfon ba3ath mn zman and they are good friends" His father was surprised at that piece of information. "9j walla? Momken as2l mno omek?"

   "Omi Lulwa Al-Z" He was proud to say her name. His parents where the best thing in his life and he will always be proud to be their son. "Wel ne3m walla!! enta weld Lulwa? Ana a3arf Lulwa w Bader mn zman! Lulwa w om Razan y3arfon ba3ath 7g sneen w i am good friends with your father! Laish magltly inta weld Bader Al-Y"

   7amad was happy. He was relieved and overjowed! How much better can this get. Their parents knew each other and respected each other greatly. "esma7ly 3amy maknt adry inek et3arf oboy....3amy eb 9ara7a ana kalamt omi w ehya w oboy emwaf8en w galatly ina ehya mst3da tet9l 3ala om Razan bs ana kan wedi ena ayelk eb nafsy a6lb mnek hal 6alab."

   "Walla ina Bader 3araf yraby ryayel 7mdila. Matwa8t ay wa7d eyeli ana awal gabl ma yt9lon ya56bon bnty. W ana ma3ndy ay e3trath kfaya ina Bader Al-Y obok and adry ina mara7 alga rayal a7san mnek 7g bnty Razan. Bs tadry ya weldy lazm akalm omha w etkalmha bl mawtho3. Inshala Razan raj3a ilq8 ba3ad sboo3ain 7g ileaster break w 5al omek tet9al 3ala om Razan ba3d sboo3ain inshala w ytfahmon bl mawtho3, etkon Razan emfakra bl mawtho3 3adl w atwa8a3 ykon 3ndaha ejaba w atmana ina ejabt'ha etkon ili ana w inta nbe." He winked at him to assure him of his approval. Her father meant every word he said and wont be backing out.

   "Mashkor 3amy matga9r w inshala ana a5abr ilwalda!" He got up and shook his hand then kissed the crown of his head out of respect. After all the man hasn't been anything but nice to him. "et2amer 3ala shay 3amy?" "La mashkor 7amad bs salm 3ala ahalek wayd."

   "Inshala yo9al" He walked out of the office delighted and cheerful. 7amad wanted to call Razan and tell her the good news but he waited until he got into the car. He got into his black Range Rover Sport and started the engine. He has never been so happy to notice every little detail of the life that revolved around him. He noticed how the car engine roared when the key was turned. He saw a couple holding hands and walking down the street with sparkles in their eyes. He smiled at the site or a child jumping around with happiness with a blue ballon in her hand.

   He got his phone out of his pocket and dialed Razan's number as soon as she answered he showered her with the sweetest words a man can say to his love before asking any question. "Hala bl '3alya... shlonech?"

   "Ana b5air inta shlonek? ilwanasa 6al3a mn telephone shfek gooly sh9ar ma3a oboy?" She could tell that everything went well but she still wanted to hear it. "Your father is all in and he thinks that there is no other guy better than me for his daughter.. hahahaha"

   "Chna wayd shayf roo7ek ya 7amad! lat5aleeni ahawen hahaha!" She was only joking of course she wouldn't change her mind even if her life depended on it. "Matgdren et'3ayren raych, adry fech et7beeni... oboch emwafe8 bs ygol ya5th rayech bl mawtho3 w inshala galy awal matrj3en 7g easter after 2 week my mother should call and see what your decision is.. bs chna we already know your decision 9a7??"


  1. heyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa wanasaaaaa obohaa rethaaaa lol 7adiii mestansaaa 7amad o razan 7adhom cute a7ebhoom lol love the post 7bebty post soon

    um flfola




    hehehe ma3alaich mnii bas 7adi excited as u can tell :P

  3. wanaaaaaaaaaaasa...
    obooha yyanen...
    ya 7eloohom wallah...
    allah ytamem 3ala 5air...
    can't wait for the next one...
    love u wayed 7beebti...
