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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Rebound chapter 31: Rouge Allure

Heeeyy adre 6awalt again *hands on face* bs walla i've been shway busy and my back still hurts fa i can't think 3adl 3shan aktb a good post :( bs ktabt 3shan ma a5alekm tan6ron longer and inshaallaaa you like iiitt!! don't forget to read  shno katba a5r shay inshala and post your comments :D

    The same day Razan decided to go back to the states early her mother called 7amad's mom and told her. Both her mother and his wanted them to get married and believed they were meant for each other and saw potential in their relationship. They debated on whether or not 7amad should come to their place and talk to Razan but they both agreed against it and planned differently. There only hope was for this to work.

   Razan didn't wait for her parents to call and change her flight so she did it herself. She called the travel agent and asked for the earliest flight back. Unfortunately, the only flight with available seats was in three days. She wanted to leave tomorrow bs shtswe a7san mn wla shay. She took it and told the guy she will be passing by in a while to pay him. They've known him for years w kila yt3amlon ma3a so her didn't mind her passing by later to pay.

   She got up and jumped into the shower. As much as she wanted to stand under the hot water she couldn't. She finished her quick shower and went back into her room to get dressed. She wore her juicy training pants and a white short sleeve top. She dried her hair and left it as it is and applied mascara, her cherry labello and blush. She put on here with Havaiana flip flops, grabbed her keys and phone and made her wait out to her car.

   As Razan was skipping down the stairs her mother heard her in the living room and called out for her "Razan hathe intay? ta3alay shway 3afya b'3aitech" This so was not the right time. Makant tabe t25r 3la the guy bl maktab 3shan mayro7 3laiha il7ajz. He can't hold it for the whole day. "Hala mama.. amray b'3aitay shay?" She didn't sit down hoping this won't take long and luckily her mother didn't ask her to sit down. "7beebti ilyoum byonla nas ilma'3rib w abech tkonen mawjoda ok?" She was not in the mood inha tg3ad ma3a nas w etjamlhum bs she can't say no to her mother "Inshala mama ana 6al3a shway w inshala ard gbl ilma'3rib w ajahz 3omre."

   Razan kissed her mothers head and left the house. She looked at her watch it was 3 pm. She had to get back by 4.30 3shan she gets ready. She has no idea what she was going to wear and she needed to style her hair and apply her make in attempt to change her mood for the night. She didn't even think about who might be visiting she just assumed that it was her mothers friend or something.

   She went to the travel agents and payed for her ticket change and it was 3.45 so she she decided to pass starbucks to get some coffee. She really needs it to stay awake since she hasn't slept properly. She got there in 5 minutes and parked her car and walked in. Razan waited in line for her turn and felt someone's stare burning through the back of her head but she was in no mood to turn around and look. She placed her order of a Venti Cappuccino payed and took her receipt and waited for her drink.

   Razan stood facing the people who were seated on tables and again felt someone staring at her. This time couldn't ignore the stares because she was facing the person. Her eyes slowly wandered towards where the stares were coming from. She looked at the face which looked so familiar but she couldn't remember where she has seen it. She looked away and made it look like she didn't mean to look but her mind was thinking. She tried to squeeze where she knew the person from out of her mind. I've seen him bs ya rbay wain?? shakla mu '3areeb w chna kan eb maw8ef mu7rej w mu mn zman bs mu gadra athkr... iiiffff ma a7b chthe al7en i can't rest until i know who it is bs ra7 ag3ad afakr w a7awl athkr. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the man call out her drink.

   She placed her receipt down on the counter, took her drink and put it in a cup sleeve and turned around to walk out. Before she stepped out the door she quickly looked back to take one last look to help her remember. The whole way back home she kept thinking but she couldn't put her finger on it.

   She got home and had plenty of time to get ready so she went into her walk in closet and sat on the floor staring at her clothes. She couldn't decide on what to wear because she had too many things running around in her head. After 30 minutes she was fed up and stood up suddenly. "iifff ana shfeenii 7tan mu gadra afakr fehm 3adl..." She scanned her clothes quickly and grabbed her black dress with 3 thick black straps at the back that makes the dress look like it was a wrap dress. The dress was a tight fit but it wasn't the slutty type of tight. It was the elegant tight and it went down to right above her knew.

   Razan sat down on her velvet chair and stared at her accessories. They way the dress looked from her neckline didn't allow her to wear a necklace so she wore her flowered diamond earrings and a diamond bracelet her father gave her when she graduated high school and got accepted into university.

   She started to apply her make up. She applied her mac compact then applied her black eyeliner. Then put on two layers of mascara so that her grey eyes, which at the moment really looked grey and down, would pop out. She put some blush on to give herself a bit of color. Razan pulled out her lipstick basket and rummaged through it looking for one specific lipstick that she hasn't used in ages. She finally found it underneath all the other lipsticks that she hasn't used in ages. It was the right shade that complimented her dress perfectly. It was red but a different kind of red. Not the bright red that you could spot from miles away, but the classic red that always looks great no matter what your wearing or where your going. It wasn't too dressy or too 3adya. It was right in the middle. It was her favorite Chanel rouge allure.

   She closed the lipstick and put it back then moved back to exam her work. She liked it. For some reason she wanted to look good even though she had no idea who the visitors were w malha 5ilg a7ad bs she wanted to dress up to cover up what she was really feeling from the inside.

   She stood up and went to put on her black Louboutin's. She looked at herself one last time in her full length mirror and liked what she saw. She turned her heals and walked towards her door, closed the lights and made her way towards the stairs. As she was going down it finally clicked who the starbucks guy is and she sort of gasped but in a low voice. She was so wrapped up in her thinking she hadn't heard people voices from the end of the staircase and as she was still thinking of the guy and went down the last step she heard a women's voice "ilsalam 3laikm Razan!"

   Razan felt embarrassed that she didn't notice then and turned red before even looking up. As soon as she lifted her head she changed from blushing to turning pale slowly. This was so not expected and not the right time.

Sooooo... mno twa83on zayrhm w mno the starbucks guy?? lets see how many of you get it right ;p i feel bad for making you wait so long fa mabekm et3a9bon laish i ended the post chthe hehehehe fa lets play this game *angelic face*. Post your comments tell me mno 3balk w agoolkm mno 9a7 w mno la2 gbl my next post ;D


  1. the guy elyy chafha fl parking lot when she was crying nsaait whats his name, right?? =p
    and the lady is his mother or 7amads mother?? :$

  2. the guy could either be eli mn elparking or ahmed the lawyer maybe? maybe not?

    the mother im hoping inha 7amad's mom bas madry laish a7is wa7da ghair yaya ta56ibha...

    im so sorry to hear that ur still not feeling well...fi 3adoweenich enshAllah...feel better:*:*:

    love youuuuuuuu

  3. hmmm.. i say that 7amads mom came to visit.. or both 7amad and his mom.
    and i think the starbucks dude is the guy who offered to help her back at the parking lot.. mmm what was his name again?... Bader?

    Cant wait for the nxt post :D

  4. 6ab3an 6ab3an *bucks guy ohwa ilrayal mal ilparking
    o atwa8a3 ina ohwa ba3ad ma3a oma ily yaaah baitkom;P

  5. the starbux guy is that bader guy from the sharika and the visitors are um 7amad and 7amad i guess


  6. i think the starbucks guy ohwa bader o om 7amad ila zayrathom 9aaaaaaaa7 ??????

    um flfola

  7. you will know mno 9a7 w not in the next post inshala ;)
