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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Still alive... if your concerned ;p

Hey you guyz
I'm still here bs very very very busy
bl q8 kan a5r sbo3 rmthan and 3eed and buying stuff for the UK
and then i got here about 3 days ago and it was sorting things out 
we're moving apartments so i have tonnes of things to do
changing addresses
started uni
buying stuff 
and im sick and getting sicker :(
so anyways i know i said ba76 post 3an the new story and i still didn't
bs just give me a while 3ala ma i settle and this gets less hectic
inshala by next week akoon settled down in uni and apartment and hopefully not sick anymore
w a76lkm post 3an the new story and also start it inshala
please please please commeeennnttt
walla mn zman 3ankm 
and i love all my readers and i wanna hear from ALLLLL them and how they've been lately
fa comment pleeaasseee
thanks for waiting you guyz adre wayd 6awlt 
bs mu beedi every start of a year has been a mess for me here :S


  1. Latest3ylaaain!
    settle down is ur apartment
    When u will be free o in the mood of posting post ;p

  2. tawww3inaaassssss! :p ahahahahaha jk long time no read ;p dont worry we have been busy too with school and shit :p


  3. anony:
    thankss so much for understanding :**
    inshala soon!

    heheh im sooorrryyy :(
    ee its been a long time
    7tan ma3nde wakt for randoms :(
    ee i bet you are
    bs walla i've been sick and busy with apartment stuff and packing and uni and i lost my phone and all that stuff :(

    bs inshala i will post soon :***

  4. i miss u wayed waaaaaaaayed...
    salamtich alf salama...
    oo take your time 7beebti...
    wallah i miss writing stories too bas loya...
    when we have the time we will write...
    a7ebich wayed wayed ya galbi...
    oo esmla 3alaich mn kel shar...

  5. 7awooooorrrr
    I miss u moreeeee!!
    Allah ysalmch hun ;*
    God the UK takes up all of ur time :(
    I miss writing so muxh!!
    Bs shswe I dnt have time and moving is a mess
    And my back is getting worse :(
    Bs 9a7 klamch inshala wen we have time we will write
    A7bchhh tooooo :*
    Mwaaaaaah! Tcc!
