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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Rebound Chapter 40(b): Papers

   Later that day 7amad was hanging out with Fahad at their usual place. It was a small coffee shop that they came across a while back when they had just started university here. Fahad noticed 7amad had a bit more life to him although he still looked down but today it wasn't as bad as the other days. He didn't want to bring it up, he was just glad that 7amad was slowly managing. But he wanted to know if something good happened. Fahad has been hoping this would turn around and they would get back together. Jenna's case popped in mind and he remembered that 7amad hasn't mentioned anything in a while

   "B'3ait as2lek.. sh9ar 3ala 8atheyat Jenna? Did she get the divorce?" Fahad noticed how 7amad's expression changed and he became worried as he remembered her and the crisis she was going through. "Walla il9ara7a mn rdait ihne mas2lt a7mad 3an il8atheya, ana adre ina iljalsa ili they went to gbl ma asafr went great and it looked liked things are going to turn out to be to her advantage bs wala lhait ihne ma3a drasa w makalmt a7mad." 7amad made a mental note to call a7mad later on and ask him about how things are progressing. He really hopes he can take Jenna out of her misery.

   There was a moment of silence. 7amad's thoughts drifted, they went back to the dream he had. Suddenly out of nowhere he asked Fahad a question "Please tell me what to do to get her back. I'll do it, i'll do anything bs tkfa gwle shswe?"

   Fahad saw the sorrow in his eyes. He genuinely meant what he said. 7amad was willing to do whatever it takes to get her back but Fahad only new one way which might truly work. It wasn't a splendid idea but it seemed like the only right way to handle things. "Can i be honest with you?" He knew 7amad won't like what he's about to say but it is the truth. "Akeed, a9lan i would be upset if you weren't"

   "Inzain.... shof kalamy mara7 ya3jbek bs fakr fe w inshala ra7 te8tne3 ina its the right thing to do." Fahad took a deep breath before starting to speak again and looked 7amad in the eye. "If you truly love her give her space. 9j ina its not fair because only one of you is getting what they want bs its the manly thing to do. Ehya shayfa ashya2 akthar mn ili inta ga3d tshof, she has enough reasons that you don't understand ili 5lat'ha etswe chthe. Latnsa ina inta maknt tbe etgolaha 3an Jenna. Let her go, itha allah katb inek ta5eth'ha ra7 ta5etha... If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it doesn't, then it was never meant to be.... fa 5alha 3la ra7t'ha, adre ina hatha shay wayd 9a3b bs itha tmait et7awl inek etkalmha ra7 et'thaygha w ymkn t3a9b zyada because your not giving her space...my advice is set her free. I tried it with Reem remember and now im glad i did because now i know we weren't meant to be. She didn't really love me, her heart is filled wih love for her husband and son but my heart is still broken."

   Fahad knew this would be a hard thing to do. He truly believes they belong together and their love is so great that nothing on this earth can separate them for too long. Itha allah katb inhum ya5thon ba3ath no one can stop them and their love can defeat anything. He would never told him what he just did if he doesn't think they will end up together sooner or later.

   7amad looked at him. His mouth went dry at the thought of actually setting her free. Does he have what it takes to wait. What if she doesn't come back? What if it takes her too long to come back? But he had to admit, Fahad was right. "kalamek 9a7 bs walla 5ayf inha troo7 mne itha swait chthe." He couldn't bear the idea of her belonging to another man. Someone else's wife. "7amad gltlek, itha allah katb inha tkon mn n9ebk ra7 etkon lek w itha allah mu katb, 7tan lo ma9ar hal shay bainkm w everything went so smoothly, something would happen later la2na allah mu katb inkm ta5thon ba3ath w 9adegni allah b3awthek beli fe il5air lek."

   7amad sat back in his chair and sunk himself deep into it. He turned his head and looked out the window. He wasn't looking at anything in particular. He wasn't thinking about anything. His mind was just blank. A second later his mind was flooded with tonnes of words and arguments between what his heart wants and what his mind thinks is right....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Rebound Chapter 40(a): Papers

Adre 6awlt 3laikm again and im sorry bs walla mu beedi 
This is part A w inshalaa bacher part B, sorry ina ga3da i post short parts bs shswe la2na mabe a6awl 3laikm akthar fa one part a7san mn wla shay 

I can't believe this is chapter 40 :o walla matwa8a3t o9al laima ihne, lama i started kan 3bale ina ba5l9 hal story bser3a bs i didn't and 7mdila im glad at the rate this story is going, its what i actually wanted it to be like maknt abe a5al9ha bsr3a :D

mabe agreg wayd so here is part A enjoyy :*

   BAAAAAM! 7amad jumped as one of the books fell out of his hand and landed flat on the concrete floor. He was staring at Razan walking away for so long that he didn't notice one of the books he was holding was slipping out of his hand. He bent down to pick it up. His dusted the dirt of the cover and put it back on top of the other 2 books he was holding. As he stood back up he lifted his head looking up at the moon. It always reminded him of Razan. He remembered the night he proposed to her. As the memory was beginning to reform in his head he felt his chest aching. The tears in his eyes slowly began to dry as he forced them back in not allowing himself to shed any tear.

   He walked back home thinking of a way to fix this. It seems like she really did have other reasons behind her behavior. He just couldn't believe that all of this would be a result of her thinking he might have wanted Jenna back. The only problems is he had no way of convincing her to listen. He got home, changed out of his clothes and went straight to bed in attempt to avoid thinking. "Tomorrow is a new day, Something new will come along" He reassured himself right before he drifted off to the dream world.

   As he went to sleep, he was taken to an alternate plane of existence, a different world. A world where everything is possible and nothing could go wrong. A place where anything you wish for can happen. He didn't dream about Razan but he dreamed about a good place, a perfect place. Somewhere he would have loved to take Razan.

   The trees were the most magnificent shade of green. The water was the clearest shade of blue. The sun was the brightest shade of yellow. The air was the purest. The sand was softest he has ever laid his feet on. It was silky smooth. He just sat there relaxing. With a clear mind. Until he notices something from afar. Something very tiny. As the waves brought it in towards the shore, he went to get it out of the water. It was huge leaf. There was a piece of paper that was sitting on it. It was rolled up.

   He decided to open it and see what it contained out of curiosity. When he did it was empty. A blank sheet of old paper. He turned it over but it was still empty. He was surprised but thought it was probably the water. It must have been the reason for whatever writing was on there to disappear.

   He threw the paper onto the sand without giving it any further thought and laid down on the sand soaking up all the heat that is being radiated from the sun. The wind began to pick up but it didn't bother him. The heat was still keeping him warm. His eyes began to feel heavy and as he was about to drift of to sleep, hhe felt something tickling his face. He opened his eyes to see the piece of paper on his face. The wind must have caused it fly over. 7amad took the piece of paper off his face and looked at it again. Surprisingly, this time it wasn't blank.

   7amad woke up to the sound of his alarm. He reached over to grab his phone and looked at the time. It was 11 am. Last night was the first time since what happened in kuwait that he slept peacefully at night. His dream began to come back to him and as he remembered it, a huge smile began to form on his face as he imagined what he saw in the piece of paper again.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Rebound Chapter 39(b): iPod

   Razan pulled her headphones out and wrapped them around her ipod all the while just looking at him. Her heart was calming down now as she took deep breaths. She took in his features. His nose, his lips, his sad tired light honey eyes. His body seemed to be tense. Very tense. Every muscle in his body was contracting. Not one muscle was relaxed. All she wanted to do was to reach out and touch his face. Stroke his cheeks with her finger. Maybe that would help ease his tension. Her hand twitched moving up an inch but she stopped herself. She clenched her fist before her subconscious moved her hand again. She held it tight next to her body. "Ee sorry i had my ipod on"

   He didn't know what to say. All the days and nights of rehearsing his speech, rehearsing what he wanted to say to her once he got the chance just flew right out the window. His mind went blank, completely blank. He forgot how to speak. He forgot how to form words.

   "aahh.. shlonech? shlon ildrasa?" That was the only thing he could say. "7mdila im good w ildrasa is fine, how are you?" He was surprised at how she was talking to him. She was calm, sincere. She wasn't mad or angry. "Im good, hanging in there..." He stood there just looking at her. Admiring her features. Her weary eyes were a darker shade of grey today, even in the dark night he could notice the exhaustion in her eyes.

   For a few seconds they both stood their looking into each others eyes. She wanted to give up right then and there. Running to him and wrapping her hands around him was the only thing that kept running through her mind. Razan has missed him terribly and she had no idea how hard seeing would be for her.

   7amad wanted to walk to her and just hold her face in his hands and stare deeply into her eyes. He wanted her to read his mind. She used to do it before she can definitely still do it now. He wanted all the words he has locked up inside of him to pour out of every pore in his body and to enter into her mind. All he wanted was for Razan to understand him. He couldn't speak, he couldn't express himself, so he wanted her to read his eyes. Razan was the only one who could read him very well.

   Razan couldn't take this anymore. Her heart began to ache again. A knot was forming in her throat. Her stomach was turning and she felt sick. "7amad I'm really exhausted i gotta go..." She began to turn around as she finished her sentence "It was nice to see you." The second she turned around he felt his heart sinking deep down into his chest cavity. He couldn't let this chance slip away, he waited too long for it. "Razan please wait... please, ma9adgt ini ashofech dont walk away 5aleeni i talk."

   She could feel her eyes filling up with tears. She closed her eyes in attempt to fight them back but she failed miserably. She turned around and exploded. She wanted to let it all out. There was no more space in her to keep it in anymore. There was no more space for new feelings to be added. She had to let it out. She turned around as a tear fell down on her cheek and rolled to her chin.

   "Please 7amad mabe asma3 shay. Even though you didn't want Jenna, even though you didn't want her back, there are still other reasons for why i did this. It took me a long time to finally bury my feelings, to finally find a way to how i can forget how much i miss you. I won't say that i want to forget you because i don't, and i can't, i love you too much to forget you. I don't want to hear anything. I don't need anymore to think about and analyze. Please respect that, respect what i want." She was hoping he would understand the pain she was going through. It was already hard enough. She didn't need anymore words that would contribute to her pain.

   "What about what i want. Aren't you going to respect what i want? Don't i at least deserve the benefit of the doubt." 7amad couldn't believe that she wanted to leave him hanging. There was no way he would move on without getting closure. "Don't walk away from this, we both know we need to talk this through. Razan ana I'm graduating, things are going to be busy and you know that. When will we ever get the chance to talk about this again. Im not giving up on you." His eyes were pleading with her. Begging her to stay.

   "You should have thought about all of that before. I can't do this. Not now. I have too many things to think about w awal shay draste w my finals. Bye 7amad, we shouldn't have had this conversation to begin with" With that she turned around and walked away with the tears running down her face leaving 7amad with eyes that were beginning to water and a heart that was slowly shattering.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rebound Chapter 39(a): iPod

Knt baktb post kaml bs ilyoum mazajy mu shay, i've been up since 8 shopping and i dyed my hair from blondish to very dark brown and i hate it so much bcz it looks like black w ana sha3re naturally not black and i just hate it so much fa my mood e3tfas for the rest of the day.
I wrote part A w inshala bacher part B promise.

   For a month and a half, every day that passed, Razan was more depressed than the day before. Each day was titled as a differet kind of depression. The stress of finals and last minute assignments didn't help at all. The work load was pilling up on the both or them. Aseel did everything she could to cheer the both of them up. She tried to decrease the days and hours where Razan would be alone. She tried to make her avoid the library, in case she bumps into 7amad. Razan was still refusing the idea of seeing him. Although they have decided that the civil thing to do if they do bump into each other is to say hi and all but keep the conversation short and limited. After all, what they had wasn't nothing, it might have actually been the best thing ever.

   Aseel bumped into 7amad about 5 times since he got back from the spring break and every time he would plead with her to just give him 10 minutes with Razan, just 10. As much as she wanted him to talk to her, as much as she wanted them to work things out and get back together she couldn't do something Razan didn't want. She promised herself she would support her all the way.

   After all those days of spending hours and hours studying at home or at the coffee shop across the street she couldn't take it anymore. She wanted a new place to study at, a different place with different people. One Tuesday morning she woke up at 8 knowing Aseel would still be sleeping. She took a shower and got dressed into abercrombie navy blue sweatpants and a grey fit shirt. She pulled her hair up in a bun and just put on her cherry labello. She wrote a tiny note telling Aseel she's heading to the library and left it in the coffee table for her.

   In about two hours Aseel joined Razan at the library. She thought that if Razan insisted on studying at the library then she would stay with her incase anythings happens. Nothing interesting happened though, it was the usual. Both of them sat their making notes and learning things that needed to be learnt.

   Around 2 o'clock they left their things as they were and went downstairs to the cafeteria to grab something to eat. As soon as they stepped onto the ground floor and walked by the entrance to get to the the other side, Razan noticed someone very familiar walking out of the library and crossing the road, even though she could only see his back. She kept looking until that person disappeared. A feeling in her gut told her it was 7amad. The only thing she could think of was thank god he didn't see her. She was lucky he left the library before they bumped into each other.

   Razan got a salad and Aseel finally settled on a chicken sandwich. They grabbed their drinks from the fridge and went to the cashier to pay for their items. The took a 30 minute break to freshen up and to recharge their brains. They gave themselves enough time for the information to settle in and to disperse to the many files in their heads giving themselves more space for new information.

   They went back to studying until it was about 8 at night. Aseel had a group study session with a couple of people which would take at least 2 hours. Razan was too tired and had enough for the day so she decided to leave. She grabbed her belongings and placed everything in her back making sure she didn't leave anything behind. She went down the stairs to the ground floor and swiped her student ID as she walked out of the entrance.

   Just as she put her headphones on and pressed play on her ipod, she felt someone grabbing her arm so gently but it scared her. She jumped out of her place. She quickly turned around with her eyes wide open with fear and her heart beats accelerating by the second. She pulled her ipod out of her pocket and pressed the pause button as she took a very deep breath in attempt to slow down her heart. "You scared the hell out of me!"

   "Im sorry ma kan '3a9de, bs i called out for you masma3teeni..."

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Rebound Chapter 38: Drama

   The first half of the flight was a blur to Razan. After Aseel kindly asked the lady sitting next to Razan if she doesn't mind switching places Razan fell asleep. She would wake up but would go back to sleep again. It was probably her body trying to make up for all the nights of lost sleep. Aseel on the other hand watched every movie on the available list, had lunch and a snack, overloaded her system with caffeine and read half of the book 'Plain Truth' by Jodi Picoult.

   After what seemed like the longest 7 hours of sleeping, Razan woke up to see Aseel's nose stuck into the the book and her eyes scanning every word in the book. With every word she read it became harder for her to pull her eyes off the pages. Razan decided to let her be and not to disturb her. She pulled the built in remote from the side or her arm rest and started looking for a movie to watch. She had another 7 hours to kill before they land in New York.

   Flying is the worst thing about studying in the states. A direct flight from Kuwait to New York is  about 14 hours which always seem to be longer than the previous flight. And then they had to take another flight from New York to Wisconsin, Milwaukee which is about 2 and half hours long. This gives a total of 16 and a half hours of being in the sky. Boy doesn't that cause the longest jet-lag.

   Out of the long list of movies, Razan chose to watch a movie she has already seen. Only because watching a movie she knows she going to like can never go wrong. As the movie 'Dear John' started playing, she rummaged through her bag for tissues since she knows she going to be shedding many tears because of the events of the movie.

   The movie was coming to an end and Razan was on full blast crying mode by now and so she didn't notice Aseel who had her head rested on Razan's shoulders watching the movie with her without headphones. She has seen it as well and knows exactly what's happening in every scene. Only when the movie had finished did Razan feel her left shoulder soiled with tears that had come from Aseel's eyes. She let out a giggle as she looked at Aseel who was whipping her eyes and blowing her nose which was now very red "Shnoo hatha? kila dmooo3!" Aseel whipped her nose as she looked at Razan with wide opened eyes "Shnoo! chftay wayhech awal matroos dmooo3 3la a8al ana msa7t wayhe!"

   They chit-chatted for a while about random things and then Aseel wanted to take a little nap. As Aseel took her nap Razan couldn't help but remember all the good moments she has shared with 7amad. Her heart ached at every moment she remembered but one memory seemed to be standing out. For some reason she could remember every single detail of that night.

   Wind was blowing in her hair causing it to fly in all sorts of direction. As the wind intensified she closed her eyes allowing it to overtake every sense in her body. The smell of the salty water filled up her nostrils. Her ears could only hear the wind blowing past her and the music the waves created as they crushed against the rock that have pilled up over the years.

   She was so engrossed and captivated by the amazing effect wind alone can have on a person she was completely unaware of her surroundings. She didn't expect anyone to be here. It was very early in the morning and 7amad wasn't going to meet her there until 9 am for breakfast. She had woken up early that day so she decided to come out here and enjoy the spectacular view.

   Razan didn't know how long she had been sitting out there for. The view, smell and sound of the sea always made her loose track of time but she still wasn't expecting anyone anytime soon.

   While she was leaning back throwing all the weight onto her hands that were holding her up she inhaled the scent of salt which was very refreshing. The rocks were very hard which cause her hands to ache a bit so she leaned forward again tucking her feet right into her chest. She opened her eyes to study the ravishing view painting a mental image in her head.

   Suddenly she felt someone sitting right behind her. She jumped at first as was very alarmed and scared but once she was pulled back the familiar scent of Paco Rabanne 1 Million filled her lungs. She immediately knew who it was so she she allowed herself to relax into 7amad's chest as his body warmed her up on this cold morning.

   They both sat there in each others arms in silence. Neither one of them wanted to break the lovely moment. Their breathing became synchronized and they felt like one. Their chests would rise and comeback down simultaneously.

   They had been dating for about 2 months and they had rented out a beach house with Aseel and a few more people they knew very well to take a break from all the studying and classes. At that time their relationship was very strong. They were certain of their feelings but neither one of them said anything. They were scared that things might change once their feelings were out in the open.

   On that particular morning 7amad didn't care anymore, he was willing to take the chance. It was worth letting her know what he's feeling. At first he wanted to give a huge introduction over breakfast and then say the words at the end but with the moment they were sharing that wasn't needed. He wanted to get right to the point.

   7amad pulled Razan close into his chested and held her slightly tighter. He was looking at the waves from over her shoulder. He had his chin rested on her shoulder so he lifted his head up and moved closer to her ear. Without hesitation he said those 3 small words, those 8 little letters "I love you"

   He was not expecting anything back. They were the kind of couple that didn't push each other to do or say something. 7amad wanted her to say it whenever she was ready. He wasn't rushing and they weren't in a race from things to be rushed and for events to happen quickly one after other. To his surprise she said them. She leaned her head back into his chest, hugged his arms and went for it "I love you too 7amad"

   With that nothing more or less was said. They didn't over react to anything. They remained in their seats sharing this view and this weather and this moment knowing that at that exact time they both knew exactly how the other felt. They didn't need promises, they didn't need speeches, all they needed were those 8 little letters.

   Razan snapped back into reality when she found the stewardess staring at her with the widest grin on her face "Sorry i didn't hear you." With the courteous manner all cabin crew have she politely repeated her question "Would like anything to eat Ma'am?" As if on cue her her stomach began to rumble. Razan immediately covered her stomach with her hand thinking it would stop the noise. She looked at the stewardess as her cheeks turned to a dark shade of red "Yes please i would."

   She ate her meal and decided to read Aseel's book since she forgot to bring her own. After what seemed like eternity they finally landed in New York. Razan felt relieved, like weight has been lifted off her chest. She was finally away from 7amad. Away from all the drama. But little did she know that drama would soon catch up with her.  

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rebound Chapter 37: Eagles

   Razan was making her way to Aseel trying to look for an explanation. Waiting for someone to say something, anything. She was about 5 steps away from being right behind Aseel but before she could complete those 5 steps Aseel twirled around and quickly grabbed her from her arm twirling her around as well and dragging her behind her. "Heeey! stop it your hurting me!" Razan pulled her arm away freeing herself "ok sorry i wont hold you bs tkfain emshay AL7EEN!" Razan's eyebrows creased and her eyes became very serious. "NO! tell me whats going on!" She stood there with her arms crossed. "Razan 7bebti, walk no ask later, s2lay ili tbena lama endsh 9ob il departures ok??" Aseel talked to her with a calm voice in hope that she would convince Razan. "Please"

   Razan stood there starring at her for a few seconds trying to decide whether she should demand an explanation or to walk and ask later. She started walking and Aseel was glad she did the right thing "Fine, but you better have a perfectly good explanation." The girls walked back to where their mothers were sitting and quickly began to collect their belongings and picked up there backs as Aseel was trying to convince them that they had to go to the boarding gate right this moment.

   "5alte walla mako shay bs tawa hatha ili ma3anna bl jam3a hnak knt ga3da aslm 3laih w gale ina e5ta nafs 6yartna w ina al7en il boarding w lazm enro7 la2na jadmaw ilwakt." She knew this was not convincing but she tried to say this with as much confidence as possible. She didn't give anyone a chance to say anything. She grabbed her stuff and began to walk towards the departures gate. Aseel and Razan hugged both their parents said good bye and quickly got their passports stamped and were now on the other side of the airport.

   "Haa Fahad lgait'hum??" Fahad was so relieved that the girls went in. "umm.. ee bs tawhm dashaw ildepatures mal7agt 3laihum..." He knew this wasn't going to be good but he had to give the girls a heads up because he knew that what would be coming next if the girls hadn't rushed in would probably be very ugly. 7amad wanted to punch something but fortunately there wasn't anything around them for him to punch. "oooffff lo mnazlk mn awal shay chan al7en la7agt 3laihm 3la ma lgait parking w gdart akalm Razan!" His hands were in fists and his jaw was clenched.

   Fahad was one of 7amad's best friends from the states and he knows the girls. That was why Aseel knew him when she saw him and figured out something was going on since he was practically running through the long hallway in the airport and suddenly stopped when he spotted her.

   Once the girls reached the departure gate Aseel sat down on the chair while Razan continued to walk to the door not realizing that the departure time hasn't actually been changed. "Wain ray7a? mab6law ilbab ta3alay ge3day." Razan hated being left out and not knowing whats going on. It makes her feel stupid sometimes. "3yal laish kl hal loya??!! i walked! now can you please explain!" It wasn't really a question it was more of a demand, an order.

10 minutes ago:
Aseel: What are you doing here shfek?

Fahad: Lama shftch ma3a your mom 5eft aye akalmch ooff matdren shkthr etra7t lama shftch yayatle!!

Aseel: inzain goool shfeeek!!

Fahad: E5thay Razan al7en w roo7aw dshay 9ob il gates NOW!

Aseel: inshala tgwle whats going on!

Fahad: mu wakta i explain bs 7amad barra ga3d ydawr parking yabe ykalm Razan 7tan lo jdam her parents and he said he's going to do whatever it takes to get her back. Madre shfeh chna yan mara wa7da mn kther ma y7ate w mu ga3d ynam! i didn't want him to go through with this la2na mu 7lwa eb 7g Razan w eb 7alta hathe ma astab3d yswe shay '3abe jdam ilnas. So go NOW bsr3a madre muta ra7 eyi.

Aseel: Ok, thanks fahad so much!!

   Razan didn't know what to feel, happy to know that 7amad was going to fight for her finally or if she should be offended that he might actually do something to embarrass her in front of everyone. Her mind began to wonder, to play out different scenarios. One where she would run into his arms and his warmth and scent would make her forget everything. A second where he would start screaming and saying things he shouldn't be saying and attracting all people around them and people would just stare at her as her tears would start to fall freely from her eyes. Another was her parents being very disappointed at his actions and they don't accept him anymore even though they both worked everything out.
   A few more scenarios were imagined and she was scared. Her thoughts scared her and she was glad she got out of there cause she honestly didn't know what to expect. Razan sat back in her chair as her thoughts took her to a different world. She was completely consumed in her thoughts so Aseel didn't interrupt her chain of thoughts and left her as she was. The announcements where making the call for passengers on their flight to start to board the plane. Aseel placed her hand on Razan's leg and gave her a light shake breaking Razan out of her bubble. She looked at Aseel with eyes filled with confusion.

   "Yalla we gotta go they started boarding." Razan got up from her seat without saying a word and Aseel followed her lead as they began to walk towards the gate. Their boarding passes were checked and they then made their way down the long narrow portable tunnel which leads to the plane. The flight attendants showed them which aisle to walk down to get to their seats. They were nowhere close to each other. They were on opposite sides of the plane. Razan's seat was a bit closer to the front of the plane whereas Aseel was a bit further to the back.

   Razan placed her bag in the overhead compartment and took her seat by the window. She looked out to find the wing projecting from right under her. She stared at it. Studied it as she waited for the pilot to take off. She thought about how the wing was engineered and what each part of it does. She began to imagine the wing of an eagle and how similar its wing and the planes wing are. As she began to visualize it and began to compare the two the pilot announced for the cabin crew to take their seats and get ready for take off.

   Razan turned her head away from the window and sat back resting her head on the seat and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath as the plane began to accelerate and the noise of the engines grew louder. Within few seconds she felt that slight drop as the plane came off the ground and was now in the air flying into the clouds above. She heard the sounds of the wheels coming up so she opened her eyes and looked back out the window.

   The view was spectacular. Everything was tiny. She could see everything. Razan began trying to figure out which area they were flying over, she always did that but of course she was never able to actually figure it out. Suddenly something hit her. 7amad was down there. He was there and she was here, in the sky flying away from him. Was she ever going to see him again? Is he going to fight for her over there?

   As the questions began to roll in she felt knots beginning to form in her throat. Her stomach felt like there were dozens of butterflies, but not the good butterfly feeling, it was more of the bad butterflies. She wasn't seeing clearly anymore as the tears began to form. Kuwait wasn't clear anymore, she couldn't make out anything it was too blurry. As she realized this might actually be it all the tears began to fall down onto her cheeks forming streaks and streaks of water.

   "This might actually be it, bye 7amad i love you." She whispered those 10 little words under her breath and closed the shutter of the tiny little window whilst also shutting 7amad out of her life...for now.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lady of Sorrows

Im writing Chapter 37 write now bs ams i read the finale of "The Man Who Knows Loubies" that was written by QueenB and Zuzzy and they had a pictured attached of shoes that had red soles and it sort of inspired me to write this short random post.

I was writing it in my head last night while i was half asleep in bed LOOL bs woke up w knt nasya ina ams ga3da i mentally write something so il3a9r w ana ga3da achayk my blogspot dashboard shft the picture again and remembered fa i wrote it and decided to post it 3la ma u guys wait for chapter 37.

Bs please you guys i said this once w walla kilish ma wedi i say this again because i am so not that type of person bs 7mdila i have 43 followers i know you guys are reading bs may9er i only get 3 or 4 comments 3la kil post its not fair. 

I need your feedback walla it makes a worlda difference lama i write a chapter knowing im going to get comments. Ana mara7 i change my writing wla ra7 agoolkm mako post or anything like that because i know all of you are reading it and it wont be the right thing to do bs can you guys please comment more i seriously need it. Thanks :*

Anywayz waayyydd gragt hehehe so here it is ;)

   As she walked towards the large glass doors the sounds from her heels filled up the hallway as they clicked on the ground causing the sound vibrations to bounce off the walls producing an echo. The bright red soles of her high heels would show one at a time as she took her steps until the sole of her right foot remained in mid air while she leaned onto the glass door and pushed it open.
   The slight cold air from the outside blew her golden brown curled hair off her shoulders and as she took a step into the bright green live garden her hair settled back onto her shoulders and back once again. She stood there and shut her eyes for a while breathing in the freshness the sun produces as it shines on the grass and trees. She sighed at the smell as a warm radiant smile formed across her face.
   She has missed this place a lot. The wonderful days, months, and years she spent out here. She would trade anything in this world for just another morning out here. She walked towards the grass and stood there staring at it as memories began to flood into her brain.
   She took her heels off, one at a time, them carefully and gently stepped forward onto the beaming green grass. She walked on it so delicately and slowly as if she feared this whole scene would disappear in the blink of an eye or the small grass stems would break from the pressure being exerted from the soles of her feet.
   As she sat herself down on the grass and extended her legs, she felt the tickling grass on her bare legs since she was wearing a skirt. She lowered her back and head until she was laying flat and staring upwards to the sun. Sun rays were dancing on her skin.
   She turned her head to left to examine the tree that is now so huge. It was once a tiny tree that was still aiming to reach the sky but from where she was looking it has grown and went beyond the sky. As she noticed the two thick sandy ropes that are still hanging on the thick branch of the tree she let out a childish innocent laugh and quickly jumped on her feet and began to skip her way towards the tree. She held one of the ropes as jumped off her feet twisting herself and sitting on the swing.

   The swing was going higher and higher as she pushed herself. Every time she went up all she could see was the sky and when she went back down she got the feeling you get when you ride a roller coaster and it goes down a sudden drop. The butterflies always reminded her of her childhood when her father would push the swing causing her to go so high. Despite the butterflies and the slight fear she always wanted to go higher. So high that it would actually be possible for the swing to flip over the branch.

   She allowed the swing to slowly settle back down and come to a stop. She got up from the swing and went back to where she left her heels. She grabbed them and went to settle down on the Toscana farm-inspired dining table collection and put her heels back on. As she took a deep breath she stood up and sighed, walked towards the glass doors and stood in front of it for 2 seconds and turned around to look at the garden one last time. She took it all in. Imprinting every fine detail into her memory fearing she would forget this place.

   She closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of the garden one last time and walked out through the glass doors without looking back. She made her way to the entrance of the house where she bumped into her nanny. Without saying a word she gave her a warm hug to thank her for everything she has done, especially for making this visit to her beloved garden possible.

   Her nanny didn't want to let go. She raised her as if she was her own daughter and loved her to pieces. She finally loosened her grip and let go but just as the main door was opened she called out for her knowing she might never get another chance to say this to her "Lola..."

   Lola turned around to look at the only mother she has ever had. "Sí.." Thats the only word she was able to form. Her heart was aching, she didn't expect to see her nanny which is making this a lot more harder. "Your father has breakfast in the garden every morning no matter what the weather is like, its the only time where he feels close to you.... he really misses you mi bebita."

   A single tear fell down from the pool that has formed in her eyes. "I know mamá but i can't come back, not now... i just can't" She went back to her nanny and kissed the crown of her head and then left. She closed the main door and got into her car and drove off, again without looking back. As much as she wanted to look at her house one last time since she didn't know when the next time she was going to be here again is, she just didn't.

Lola [LO-luh] is a feminine given name, a short form of the Spanish name Dolores and German name Aloisia, meaning "sorrows", a name taken from a title of the Virgin Mary: Virgen Maria de los Dolores, or Our Lady of Sorrows.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Skinny Hot or Skinny Ugly?

I was just google-ing a few images, looking for nothing in particular, just random stuff. So i was looking at America's Next Top Model photos and precisely at the cycle which all of the contestants were 5"7' or under and i saw a few photos which actually show how skinny models are. I was thinking about how people, especially girls, of all ages, would look at these models. Some would dream about being model thin and others would think that's just sick and they would never want to be that skinny.

So, I got the idea of writing this post and attaching a photo w i let you guyz comment 

What you think about girls being normal skinny ya3ne just thin in an ok way?
What do you think about girls being over skinny?
What do you think about how models look? 
What do most young girls nowadays believe is the perfect body image?
Do any of you think the best body image is for you to be thin and if not then what is it?

7tan ana ra7 i comment with you guyz. I just thought it would be a nice topic to talk about since this really concerns almost all of the communities all over the world. 

Rebound Chapter 36: Knight in Shining Armor

   The hot blazzing sun was shining across thw floor radiating its heat throughout the room. Aseel woke up to the faintest sounds. She tossed and turned in bed until she pulled her phone from under the pillow and looked at the time. It was 12, she's been sleeping for 10 hours which seems like enough. She lifted her head up to find Razan getting dresses into a white knee length cotton dress. Her hair was up in a messy bun and her make up was lightly applied.
   Her face was beaming which didn't seem right because of the events of last night. Something seemed to be out of place. Razan looked too bouncy and energetic. Aseel laid there in bed observing her. Her eyes followed her every move until Razan went and sat back across from the mirror to put on her earrings. Aseel looked at the mirror and saw something that explained Razan sudden 'change' in her mood. Her eyes, they looked sad and helpless. Somewhat dead and lifeless. They were painful.
   Razan possessed a hard and happy exterior but deep deep into her eyes you could tell what she truly was feeling. As she got up she caught Aseel studying her. "Good morning! Your up!!" Even her tone of voice was cheery. She was working overtime to lead people to believe she was fine when she is nowhere close. Aseel decided to act like she hasn't noticed and to go along with her little play. "Eee tawne ga3da, your up early sh3ndch??"

   Razan was hoping Aseel wouldn't ask because she knew she would try to talk her out of this. "I have a few things i need to buy before my flight bacher w mara7 yamdeeni bacher a5th'hm" Aseel contemplated whether or not she should get mad at her for actually changing her flight date or if she should support her with her decision. "Muta your flight bacher?" Razan wasn't expecting this question at all. "Ummm.. i have to be at the airport at 12 w my flight is at 2."

   Aseel jumped out of bed really quickly "Ok 3yal you go get your stuff, im going to get dressed w broo7 i change my flight for tomorrow as well then catch up with you to get the things im missing." She gave Razan a heartwarming smile to assure her that she is going to be there for her all the way. "Aseel you don't have to cut your break short w tyen ma3ay 3ade." They still have about a week left from their break and she felt bad that Aseel won't be enjoying it. "We never travel separately we always fly together. Plus i won't be having fun here without you and you know that. Yalla bsr3a go 3shan yamdech you get your stuff."

   Razan ran walked towards Aseel and wrapped her arms around her giving her a big tight hug. "Thank you, i don't know what i would do with you" She unwrapped her arms and gave her a sisterly kiss on her cheek. "Adre you can't live without me hehehe" Aseel couldn't help but be cheeky. "lat9adgen 3omrch!!" Razan quickly turned around to leave only to feel a hard kick on her behind. "OUUCCHH!! i need to get you to a doctor fech kick asses syndrome walla!" Aseel has a thing for kicking people on their asses and its always Razan that gets the worst kicks.  Aseel couldn't help but laugh her heart out at what Razan just said "HAHAHAH KICK ASSES SYNDROME! OMG HAHA how on earth did you come up with THAT??" Razan ignored her and continued walking out of the room as she waved goodbye.

   She took a grey dress out of Razans closet and put it on. She used her make up to lightly add some life to her face since she herself looked tired as well then grabbed her keys and her large bag and walked out to go get her ticket changed for tomorrow.

   Aseel was lucky enough to find two odd seats left on the plane so she was able to get a seat on the flight even though it wasn't next to Razan but they can manage to move seats once they take off. She payed and made her way out as she called Razan "Hi haa wainch al7en?" Aseel could hear a lot of noise in the background "Ana bl jam3ya buying a few things we're going to need 7g hnak."

   "Ok ana al7en broo7 ilbait i check on a few things w ashof what i need w ayelch. If you finish w i still didn't come latan6reeni leave." Aseel rushed home to make a quick list of what she needs from iljam3ya and from anywhere else. She grabbed her list and made her way to the jam3ya. The girls spent the day buying the things they need for the states and then they went their separate ways to say buy to their families, go home pack, then get some rest.

   Everyone from Aseel's family was surprised that she had to leave early but she came up with an excuse which was she had to go and start revision before the she starts classes again la2na her finals aren't far from now. Razan's family, on the other hand, all noticed how down and depressed she seemed. They all kept questioning her. She felt like she was being interrogated by her aunts and uncles. She began feeling frustrated so she said good bye to all of them saying she had to go home and pack.

   The girls both packed and checked that nothing was missing and they've got everything need ready. Passports were on the table. Bags were packed and standing by the walls waiting to be rolled out and into the airport. Outfits were carefully hung in their cupboards. Razan and Aseel went to bed both of them thinking deeply but they were thinking about completely different things that are part of the love world.

   Aseel spend the few minutes before she dozed off thinking about when she would be lucky enough to find her second half. The man who completes her. She wasn't desperate or anything but every girl dreams of her knight in shining armor. The prince charming that would come and sweep her off her feet and take her to a whole different universe that is ruled by love and passion. A universe that brings happiness, warmth and safety.

   She knew perfectly well that love is not always rainbows and butterflies but she's willing to accept the whole package. As long as respect, trust and honesty exist anything can be built from there. Aseel believed those three things are the building blocks to any relationship. If one or all of these are missing than the relationship would never last even if the two adore each other. She didn't want a fairtytale love or a relationship taken out of a 60's romance movie. She just wants a realistic relationship nothing more nothing less.

   Razan spend an hour or two thinking about 7amad. Was she over reacting? should she have given him a chance? What if he really was just helping her. He wouldn't have proposed to me if he had any doubts about his feelings for her. But maybe he didn't realize there were any feelings left because she wasn't around. Maybe now that he saw her and spent time with her it hit him that he do still loves her and regrets letting go. But 7amad would have the decency to tell me face to face. He would have the decency to tell me that Jenna needs help and he would ignore me. But we trust each other. I know he wouldn't hurt me. He wouldn't even hurt a fly how could he possibly hurt me and break my heart.

   After a long fight between her heart and her brain and after a long thinking session of her heart throwing excuses at her brain and her brain throwing more obstacles for her heart to jump over she used up all of her energy and decided to go to sleep. It felt like the night flew by and she didn't have enough sleep. Her alarm was screaming into her ear for her to wake up and get ready for the airport. As much as she wanted to press on the dismiss button and go back to sleep she knew she had to drag herself out of bed since she had a plane to catch.

   It was 9 am and it is a bit too early since she has to be in the airport at 12 pm but she wanted to take her time and not rush at getting ready. She grabbed her phone and closed her alarm. She then placed it back onto her bed side table and slowly lifted her head up and dragged her legs over the bed as they lazily dropped onto the floor. Razan put a lot of energy into pushing herself off the bed and shuffled her feet towards the bathroom.

   The hot water tapped was turned and the heat began to fill the bathroom and steam began to condense on the mirror. Razan went and pulled out her towel and robe and entered the bathroom again. The water was a bit too hot today so she slightly turned the cold water tap to even out the temperature. Razan extended her hand under the running water and the water temperature seemed just perfect to she slid herself into the shower and stood there for a while as she allowed the heat to take over the intensity that filled her body. Razan slowly began to relax and began to feel her muscles to loosen up. She took yet again a 30 minutes shower which also allowed her to wake up.

   Aseel had called Razan twice to make sure she was up but she didn't answer. She decided to give her a few minutes to call back before she calls her house and asks Julia to wake her up. Just as she was about to call Razan's house her phone rang in her hand flashing Razan's name on the scream. "Good morning sunshine!" Aseel felt cheerful for some reason. "Hey.." Razan replied bluntly in her tired voice. "Shfech malch 5ilg shay chthe??" Aseel was concerned that her friend was going down the road of depression again. "Mafeeni shay bs abe anam ams manmt 3dl.." She didn't sound convincing but Aseel let this one slip. "Oh ook, you can sleep 3al plane. Are you up wla tawch ga3da?"

   "No i just got out of the shower im getting dressed, bswe sha3re w anzl i have breakfast w ag3ad shway before i check on my things one last time w abadl 7g ilma6ar." Razan didn't sound very enthusiastic about her plan but she had no other choice. "Ee 7tan ana im having breakfast now w broo7 asalm 3la my grandma w ard i check my things w aroo7 ilma6ar." The girls said their goodbyes and each one did as was planned and about 2 and a half hours later they met up in the airport with their parents.

   The ladies chit-chatted in the background as the men checked the girls in. Aseel began to ponder about 7amad not knowing that they were leaving tonight. She noticed how distracted Razan seemed. She knew that girl so well that she figured out she was wondering about the same subject, if 7amad knew she was leaving today. Aseel contemplated whether or not she should text 7amad. The only thing holding her back was that she knew 7amad would probably do something stupid. After a while of deep thinking and writing out a mental list or pro's and con's of texting him she pulled out her phone and began composing a very long message.

   Hey 7amad shlonek? I need to tell u something but plz i know u too well & so i know ur going to do something stupid so plz don't. I'm not telling u this 3shan u do something I'm telling u cz i think u deserve to know. Me and Razan are flying bak to the states in and hour. Finals are close so plz don't try anything when u get bak to the states either she needs to focus.

   She read the message a few times making sure she was clear then pressed the send button. She kept her phone in her hand expecting a reply for 7amad soon. After a few minutes she was so occupied with the conversation that she forgot she had texted 7amad. About 20 minutes later, as she was looking around the airport scanning the people from where she was sitting. Something caught her eye. Something that seemed out of the ordinary. As it got closer and closer she quickly shot out of her place and marched so quickly forward that the girls mothers and Razan were alarmed at her sudden action.

   Their heads turned and followed Aseels direction. Razan's mother was surprised at Aseel's reaction. Aseel's mother was confused and had no idea why her daughter suddenly sprang out of her seat. Razan... well Razan's face was frozen. "Haw shfekum sh9ayr??" Aseel's was now more confused.

Friday, July 16, 2010

8 days :(

woow i don't think i ever made you guys wait for 8 days.. or have i?? im sorry if i ever did and for doing it again *hands on face*

well im sooo sorryy about this bs i honestly have been busy with a few things and gbl a few days i wasn't feeling well and i hate saying this but i think im having writers block and it sucks!!!!! i hate having writers block ynarfz!

I wrote this post w ma3jabny then msa7ta and ktabta again and then msa7ta cz ma3jabny and im writing it again right now bs madre shfeni walla bs i promise i wont keep you guyz waiting any longer 6awlt 3laikm wayd adre

inshala inshala either fe post tonight or tomorrow morning w b5ale a long one ;)

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Rebound Chapter 35: Vaults and boxes

As promised a post tonight. Ignore any errors and mistakes cause i wrote it on my phone and posted it and now im using e-go just to add colors to the post. 
Enjoy :**

   Razan slithered slowly and lightly under her covers and placed her heavy head on her fluffy pillow. Tears began to roll down the side of her face without her even noticing. She didn't want to cry. She didn't go up to her room to sob or to feel bad for herself. She just wanted to sleep but tears were unwillingly and uncontrollably falling from her eyes. It was her only gateway to run away from all of this. Her only escape from the pain that is being pumped around her body.

    As she closed her eyes, ready to be taken to her own dream world, she heard the door handle clicking and the door being slowly pushed open. She didn't bother turning around, she just didn't care who it was. She closed her eyes even tighter hoping that she would fall asleep. A few seconds later she felt someone laying down beside her and stroking her hair. From the smell of the Chanel No. 5 perfume that filled up the bed she knew who it was.

     Without any warning she burst into tears. She was hurting. Her heart was aching, her body was suffering. She was in agony. The idea of 7amad being with Jenna was tormenting her, it was pure torture. She began resenting and regretting loving him. She cursed herself for letting her guard down and allowing him into her life and most importantly her heart.

    She should have stuck to her decision of not getting into any sort of relationship but it was 7amad. He drew her in. He was different, he seemed to actually genuinely care. The feelings were mutual. Sometimes he didn't have to say anything she could see admiration and passion in his eyes, especially through the days before he actually said "i love you". It wasn't a game, it was real, it was authentic, or so she thought.

   She poured her heart out until she was numb. Until she had no more energy in her to produce more tears. A few seconds later she was somewhat half asleep and Aseel could hear her speaking threw her sobs. It was the state you would be in after crying for so long and you no longer had control over your body because you didn't have it in you anymore.

You just start saying random things and saying all the different feelings you have locked up inside for days and days. The feelings that you piled up in a tiny box and locked and then placed that tiny box into a huge vault where it would get lost with all the other tiny boxes in there. Its so big that it would be hard for you to look for them again but just in case you do want to look you pretend like you forgot the combination to the vault to eliminate any chances of you deciding to go searching in it again.

Razan, unfortunately, was so tired and was probably thinking about to many things at once that she unlocked that vault and was unconsciously speaking out loud.

"Laish ya3ne? Walla maswait shay! Why is going back to her ana ga9rt eb shay ma3a? If I did tell me! Tell me 3shan a3arf why he's leaving me! I won't bother him a5elk he lives his life with her just give me a reason! Just one! What about the proposal, the ring, shall I throw it away? Do they not mean anything to him anymore? I gave him everything, my all, I have nothing more to give! He took pieces of me day by day until he had my all I have nothing left of me. He owns me, my heart and soul! This is how he repays me? By leaving me? He goes back to her now lama t2kdt ina he can have her bdon ma a7ad ytda5l? Was Nasser right all along? akeed kan ga3d yge9 3laiy lama galy ina Nasser fahm '3ala6. He lied, Nasser was telling the truth akeed. 5al yrw7laha 5ala9! just go! Go please just go"

Aseel hugged Razan so tight as she let it go. Her cries were full of sorrow and pain. Heartbreaking cries. She was shaking uncontrollably. Aseel began to rock back and forth trying to calm her down. After a few minutes she stopped sobbing and began taking deep breathes to stop her gasping. Aseel couldn't believe her friend held all that in her heart and mind. She truly was hurt and broken.

Razan never complained. She never shared her feelings with Aseel about all of this. At first Aseel thought it was just her being stubborn but no, someone possessing all those feelings and worries would definitely refuse to hear or see anymore. She couldn't bear seeing Razan going through anymore this was more than enough.

Razan felt like someone was moving about in bed and then a sudden wave of cold air hit her back. She was so tired she fell asleep immediately without knowing what she had just said.

   Lights were out, curtains were half closed, but it was dark, almost pitch black. There was nothing in the room except for a small beam of light coming from Aseels mobiles screen. The faint blue color of the screen was radiating and diverging onto the ceiling. A couple of seconds later the light turned to a darker shade of blue and noise was coming out of the speakers of the phone.

   "Aloo..where r u?" The noise coming from the background was very loud and irritating. It was late at night where could that noise possibly be coming from. "Can you move 3an ilz3aj shway 5al a3arf atkalam i can't even hear you..." Noise was becoming ruffled and it sounded like a piece of wrapping paper from candy was being rubbed against the phone. The sound was suddenly clear and calm. Nothing from the previous noises were heard, as if they weren't even there a few seconds ago.

   "Ee ee sorry is this better? can you hear al7en?" The sound coming out of the phone was still loud so the volume was lowered slightly down to a normal level. "Ee a7san..." Silence filled the room no one was speaking. They didn't know how to start the conversation or how to proceed with it. "Shno ili 9ar msa3a? what was that? laish chthe swait 7amad??" It grew silent again. There was only the sound of breathing from both ends of the phone. "Ma knt adre ina ili swaita fe shay '3ala6, ana mu fahm laish ur mad at me ya Aseel."

   Aseel had called 7amad after Razan fell asleep to talk to him. She needed to know. She had to find out if Razan was right or if this is all just a misunderstanding. "7amad instead of trying to work things out with Razan you come to her house to pick up JENNA?? What were you thinking!! Inta tadre by doing hal shay 2akadt laha ina u want Jenna and not her??"

7amad didn't know what to say. He was torn between his love and between someone who was helpless and needed someone to stand by her. "Aseel ana ili ga3d aswe mu ma3nata ina abe Jenna la2 i don't. I still want Razan and i always will bs i can't sit back and see someone i once cared about and someone who has no one standing by her side going through a crisis and i just sit back and do nothing! I JUST CAN'T! It doesnt mean i love her wla feelings are re-surfacing! I left Jenna, I ended things i won't go back to her because i know what i want and its Razan."

Aseel was convinced that he isn't leaving her for Jenna but this time she is staying out if "7amad I know you want her but I can't interfere anymore, I'm sorry but she's my friend and even though she's making the wrong decision and is being stubborn I have to support her and be on her side even though I don't agree with her. Kfaya awal ma yaina today she thought I was against her. I was trying to help her and you but to her it seemed like I was taking sides."

"3ugb ili shaft'ha Razan ilyoum mara7 tsma3 mne wla shay wla ra7 trtha ini a8na3ha or drag her into another hurtful situation. A9lan ana 3ugb ma shfnakm barra t7asft ina I made her come down 3shan Jenna."

7amad was speechless. Without Aseel helping him he has no chance in this. He regrets not telling Razan about Jenna mn awal ma she asked for help. "Aseel I get where your coming from but if you take your hands out of this I won't be able to talk to her and explain myself. I still didn't even get my chance. Ma3a6atny fr9te ina akalmha may9er chthe."

Aseel was totally agreeing but she can't show him that. She has to stick to what she just said about supporting her friend with anything she decides to do. "Please don't pressure me 7amad 5ala9 Aseel em3awra glbe. She is more broken that I thought she was. All she has is me now to put her pieces back together."

7amad didn't know what to do, Razan was slipping away and he didn't have many options. Aseel was quiet for a while waiting for him to accept the truth. She didn't want to be harsh on him and she knew he wasn't in an easy position either. "5ala9 Aseel ili yray7ch I can't force you to do this just please take care of her while I'm not there."


Heeellooow everyonnee!
I'm suppose to post the next chapter ilyoum bs walla ma mdany I was out mn il9ub7 doing stuff and now im on my way to the shalaih and writing this on my phone.
Bs ra7 akaml ilchapter and post it from here tonight inshala bs mara7 ykon fe colors la2na I don't think y9er I change colors w itha y9er ma3arf shlon :p hehe
And I don't know how long the post is going to be l2na I can't estimate how long it is on my fone fa itha mu 6weel as usual sorry but its still going to be good inshala ;*
love u guyz
xoxo N;*

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Rebound Chapter 34: Logos

You guyzz laish im not gettin wayd comments ;( adre fe followers but laish u don't comment

walla us writers feel more encouraged if we know ina fe people reading it even if you have something bad to say 3ade i accept criticism 3al a8al i know what i have to change or what i have to do

So plz try to comment.. ma a7b as2l ppl to comment ya3ne itha someone wants to comment they'll comment w ili ma yabe 3la ra7ta bs walla when i see wayd comments 3la my post it makes me smile to know ina fe nas ga3den ygron...

Anywaaayyzz baskt al7en adre wayd solaft hehe.. ENJOOY :***

   Razan was put off at the sight of the living room and was too confused. She quickly turned around to find Aseel standing to close to her with an angry look on her face and one eyebrow raised. "5al9eni dshaay!" Aseel still didn't take a look inside and so she didn't know what was waiting for them. "Yeah bs Ase..." Aseel cut Razan off before she made up one of her excuses again to get out of thisx. "Mako bs yaallaaa!!" She whispered to Razan so that no one would hear them but she said it in a very firm voice. "Ee bs mako a7aad!" Razan looked at Aseel and shrugged her shoulders. "Haa??" Aseel moved Razan out of the way and stepped inside only to realize what Razan meant. The living room was empty mafeha a7ad. "Wain ra7aw??" She wasn't talking to anyone in particular.

   "Madree Aseel.. Jenna kanat yaya bro7ha wla shno? Maybe she left.." Aseel walked out of the living room and headed towards the main entrance. "La ana i picked her up makant tbe she drives here bro7ha. Mu ma38ola someone picked her up ya3ne mara7 etdg la 3la oboha wla that awful husband of hers..." Aseel opened the door and looked outside. She froze in her place as she was looking outside onto the garden and driveway. 

   "Aseel shfech chthe wagfa? shno??" Razan walked up behind Aseel and wanted to squeeze through to take a look for herself. "HAA? LA LA.. i mean.. e7m.. la mako shay" Aseel quickly blocked the way not allowing Razan to squeeze through but this time Razan wasn't going to let Aseel have her way. She pushed Aseel squeezing her against the big glass and metal door and stood outside.

   At first she didn't notice anything out of the ordinary until she saw a car pulling out of the driveway. It took a few seconds for her to register what the car was. It was  Range Rover. It didn't click at first until she saw something at the back of the car that caught her attention. It was a sticker that looked like a logo. Then it hit her and it hit her hard "UUUUHHHHHHHHHHH" She gasped so loudly and turned around with an appalled look on her face. She knew who the person in the car was from the logo.

   She never knew the logo before but that day when 7amad was to suppose to come 3shan y56bonha. She saw that logo and even though she didn't make an effort the remember it it somehow was there in her memory. At that very moment she wished she hadn't looked around at the place too eagerly and studied the design of the building because she wouldn't have seen the logo. She wouldn't have known who the car belongs to. She didn't want to know.
   Aseel was lost in her own world. She was staring at the screen of her phone not noticing how Razan gasped. "Aseel did you just see that car!!" Razan stood their staring at Aseel waiting for a reply but she got nothing. She noticed how tense Aseel was. Her face looked like she's seen a ghost or something. She slowly lifted her head up looking at Razan still not noticing that she has been asked a question. "HELLOO! shnoo?" Razan waved her hands in front of Aseel's face. "Hmm?" She didn't know what Razan was saying she spaced out. "Shfeh wayhech chthe intay??"

   Razan snatched the mobile out of her hand to see what on earth scared her so much. "NO NO RAZAN please give it BAACCK!!" She tried to get the mobile back but Razan gave her a firm glare that made her feel a shiver shoot up and down her spine. She has never gotten that look for Razan, ever. She stood there with her hands stretched out in mid air and then slowly lowered them not knowing what to expect next.

   She looked at the screen which was open on a message so she read it. It must be the cause for Aseel to space out. Once she read it she couldn't believe her eyes. This can't be happening. She kept reading the message over and over again trying to register what the words on the screen meant. She lifted her head up and looked Aseel in the eyes. Aseel didn't know what to say she had a sad sorry look in her eyes. At that moment she wished she didn't push Razan to coming downstairs. They could have avoided all of this but no she had to insist.

   Razan walked and almost threw the phone on the ground but she didn't. Instead the held Aseel's hand and gently places the phone on her palm and left her walking into the house. Aseel can't blame her for any decisions she makes right now. If she was in Razan's place she would analyze things in the same way. She turned around to see Razan walking with her head down. Just by looking at her figure you can tell she was broken. Broken beyond repair, she would need a lot of help from the people around her to pull her up to the surface again.

   Aseel walked back in behind her and closed the door leaning on it. She didn't know where to go from there.  Razan stood at the bottom of the stairs and turned around "Aseel ana bro7 anam, your more than welcome to stay and spend the night il bait baitch intay mu '3areeba bs i need to sleep." She gave her a slight side smile and went up the stairs. Her eyes were empty, emotionless, almost dead. She felt helpless and useless. All she could do was pray that Razan won't insist on believing her own conclusions cause she knows there was a perfectly good explanation for this.

   Razan can't be right. 7amad can't possibly want Jenna again. He can't possibly choose her over Razan. She knew him too well. She was the only one who could see the sparks and love in his eyes. She can't be mistaken. She looked down at her phone again and read the message for one last time.

   Jenna called me ma3ndaha a7ad yrdha and she felt awkward eb bait Razan so i just picked her up 3shan awadeha, ttyl let me know what happens please.

   Aseel pushed herself off the door and went upstairs to Razan's room. This was going to be a long painful night and Razan is going to need a shoulder to cry on. This is killing her she can't see them like this anymore. She just can't, she needs to do something, anything. Even if it doesn't work. This definitely is going to be a long night of consoling and planning.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Rebound Chapter 33: Halt

Sorry you guyz this might a bit short for some of you bs im not so surprised to say ina my back unfortunately still hurts and right now it hurts a lot and i am refusing to go get ebrat musakn la2na a7s there is no point its going to make me feel better for a while them ware off and the pain brd mara thanya and i wont got get another shot etc ;p fa mu gadra ag3ad and write more for this post :s but i didn't cut anything short its still the way i wanted the post to go..
Soooo... enjoy it w inshala fe post soon :**

One more thing adre you guyz ga3den etgwlon laish Razan matsma3 mn 7amad or anyone w madre shno bs walla lo a7ad feena eb hal situation you would have probably done the same thing... i definately would have LOOL ;p shay 6bee3i ya3ne ina you don't want to listen to anything when your mad ehehehe ;p anywayz bs knt abe awath7lkm my point of view w laish ga3da a5aly Razan tswe chthe

   "No... why would 7amad know? akeed ma kan b5alena neyi so magltla!" Razan couldn't possibly think that 7amad would be in on this and would want them to go ahead with this plan. "Shno ya3ne ma yadre?? you didn't even mention it to him? 3yal shlon gdartay you get to Jenna?" Razan felt very confused and also slightly guilty for accusing 7amad of being the one who sent them here to talk to her. " La222 7ada makan yadre and as for Jenna... well lets just say i have my ways" She gave her a reassuring smile and a wink. Razan felt slightly comforted but still didn't want to hear anything from Jenna, no matter what it was.

   She turned her face and walked towards the bed and sat herself down. Her eyes were darting everywhere until they finally settled on Assel. "Bs still... mabe asma3 shay mnha. Aseel please you don't get it!! If you were in my shoes would you listen to your boyfriend's ex girlfriend that he wanted to marry?? la ba3ad he wasn't just my boyfriend, kan mafroth eyi baitna with his mother 3shan ya56bony but instead he cancelled w ra7 7gha ehya!! he went to be with HER and help HER! ma fakar ana shno knt ra7 afakr fe!! the whole day mashakait fe wla shkait ina he was backing out w ma thalmta!! i just thought there was something wrong 9arl with him! salfa 9ayra wla mu9eeba w aroo7 to his dad's company w an9dm that he is sitting in his office with HER!!" She pointed to the door as if to point at Jenna. She looked away again "the least he could have done is tell me mn il awal 3shan i don't find out chthe.... itha ybeha he could have just told me.."

   Aseel felt sad for her friend. She didn't know what to do or say i mean if she was in her shoes she wouldn't have done worse and she wouldn't have given anyone a chance to explain so she doesn't blame Razan for her actions. "Razan mno galch ina 7amad ybeha w ma yabech? mno gal ina 7amad tried keeping this from u? I am certain ina kan ra7 ygwlch but he probably didn't at the time because he knew THIS *pointing at her* would have been your reaction. Latswen nafs the fight you had about what na9er told you in uni w you jump to conclusions. 5ale he explains, Razan im sure you don't want to loose him and he definitely wants nothing other than you! fakray eb 3aglch shway "

   Aseel sat there looking at Razan who was quiet thinking about what Aseel just said. She was right but at the same time she was scared. She was scared that if she asks him the question she wouldn't get the answer she wants. She doesn't want to get hurt or disappointed. She wanted to avoid the question to save herself from anymore heartache.

    Is it going to lead to her loosing 7amad? yes. Is it going to lead to her regretting this? yes. Is it going to cause her more pain and suffering? definitely. But at the moment she was settling for this. She can't go through anymore. Sometimes not knowing is a lot better than knowing. She was terrified that he would actually choose Jenna over her even if she knew how much he loves her. Maybe seeing Jenna again brought back old feelings, she couldn't tell and she wasn't willing to take the chance of being let down.

   "Inzain imshay nanzl ta7at.. you don't have to listen to anything just come down ma3ay 3al a8al, I know you Razan your not like this you wouldn't be rude to even your worst enemy." Razan didn't want to go and face her she knew the subject is going to be brought up. "ooofff Aseel kilish mu wakta! ma abe anzl ya3ne mala da3e i act all nice w ehya tadre i don't like her!" She knew Aseel was very stubborn and she will end up going downstairs with her but she can at least try. Aseel looked at Razan with a smile on her face. It wasn't any kind of smile, it was the smile that said you-are-going-to-get-your-ass-downstairs-right-know kind of smile. "Razan... don't make me do it!"

   "FINE FINE finneee!! just DO NOT expect me to be nice!" She got up before Aseel drags her downstairs." HAAH! yeah well.. we'll see about that." Aseel had the most devilish smile on her face. She was up to something. She has a little evil plot planned in her mind.

   The girls made their way downstairs. Razan was beginning to regret giving in and going downstairs. Chne hawant? why am i so stupid laish gltlaha ok ooofff mali 5ilg ajamlha ya raby why don't i just walk back upstairs! Shno Aseel can't make me do this!! She turned around and quickly ran back up. "OH NO YOU DONT!! RAZAN get your be-hind back down here NOW!!" She ran up after her and stood infront of her blocking her way. "Yanaitay faj2a hawantay?? emshay jdamy mako 9ad3a gltlch!!"

   OOFFF MALEE88AA. Razan gave her a death stare hoping it would work but Aseel just won't budge!! "oofff.... i hate you did i tell you that before?" She stomped her feet heavily on the steps and was mumbling stuff under her breath. "Ya ya whatever you'll hate me now but thank me later..." Razan looked over her shoulder for a second "Shut up please" faking a smile.

   They walked towards the living room while Razan took a big deep breath in attempt to calm herself down. As soon as she entered she came to a halt causing Aseel to crash into her. "OUCH! shfech wgaftaay chtheee dshaay!!" Aseel was getting frustrated at her actions. Bumping into Razan caused her to take a few steps back and so she wasn't able to take a look into the living room to look at what made Razan stop suddenly.

Yalla another game?? tbon you guess why Razan wgfat w madasht the living room? What did she see da5l which made her stop?? :D ktbaw your guess bl comments ;)