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Saturday, November 19, 2011


hey everyone
since someone pointed out that the colors are very faint and can't be read on from the phone
i'm trying to change them on the last post
blogger is being funny and only saving some of the changes
so bare with me and if you're getting  bunch of different colors sorry about it
im still trying and hopefully it'll be sorted up
Also, if any readers want the older posts to be changed as well please let me know!
i'll make sure all of them can be read
Thanks xxx


  1. I find that everything is good even the font maybe that's because I'm using an iPhone and it's clearer than the bb! Please try to post asap meshtahya I read ur posts! ;D

  2. Girl with the petite appetite:
    Ee it might just be the bb. I have a bb and it wasn't clear so I changed the colors to make it clearer. I'm working on it. Inshala tonight or tomorrow bkon fe post ;) keep tuned in
