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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Posts are lost

I only got 2 comments on the last post
so i don't know if anyone else is even reading this
but in case there are silent readers (who i hope would comment because comments motivate me)
my laptop got stolen ams from our apartment
while we where in it, sleeping :)
my laptop, laptop charger and an iphone charger were stolen from the living room
He must be one lucky idiot because on that night we forgot to lock the door before going to bed
turns out the EXACT same thing happened to another apartment 2 floors down a few days ago
Its ridiculous and i still can't believe it actually happened but it did
Unfortunately, i didn't save the post somewhere else so i lost like 4 posts that were ready to be posted onto blogger
soooo.... im going to need a bit more time to re-write them
whats sad is that when i wrote them i was on a roll
and i won't remember everything i wrote :(
im upset because i really liked those posts
Hope you guys understand
thanks and love you all xxxxx
P.S. pleaaseee if anyone else is still reading pleaasee comment. I would love to know if i still have my readers :(


  1. OMGGGGGGGGG! 3ad i was just thinking about your blog!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSS KEEEP WRITING OR ILL KILL YOU!:p sorrry to hear about what happened, take your time but not too long of course;)

    L55 remember me?

  2. I'm a silent reader and I love your blog :$
    W GOD DAMN THAT THEIF inshalla ma yethanna feih v.v
    Love from the uae x

  3. L55:
    haha im going to keep writing
    im in my final year of uni and stress has been building up. i was stressed before we even started but i promise i will keep writing and will finish this story. thank babe :* inshala i wont take long

  4. Anonymous from uae:
    i love all my readers $ silent readers
    please start commenting (a) walla it makes my day. EE 7ADA! inshala ma yt'hama walla 7rag galbe allah ya7reg galba inshala :(
    bs im glad we didn't walk into out bedrooms especially that mine is the 1st one!! i couldn't sleep last night i was so scared :S
    love kl ahal il emerat!! xxx

  5. OMG! So sad to hear about what happened :( Inshallah ma yet-hana feeh.
    Please keep on writing, i love your blog!

    Lots of love from dubai,


  6. S*
    ee walla inshala ma yt'hana fe! 7rag galbe walla :(
    i will keep loving hun! inshala i wont take long :*
    i was just upset cause i had like 4 chapters ready to be posted and know i have to re-write them
    Love you and love dubai :***

  7. Hey N! :* I'm sorry for ur laptop and the situation u're in right now! Inshallah they catch That idiot burglar! 7abebty Tara we are still reading ur cute/amazing posts and we're waiting for more of them!! ;D

  8. Awwhh Allah ykoon fe 3oonch
    Iv been reading ur posts since like forever :p but I guess it's the first time I comment :$:$:$:$
    As soon as ur back to posting enshalla enshalla I'll be supporting and commenting on each and every post ;*

  9. girl with petite appetite:
    heey sweetie! inshalaa walla! chan zain! 3asan arta7 :( thank you so much for let me know you're all reading! :***

    thank you for commenting! ee please i need the support walla, it gets me going and makes me want to write non stop!
    love you all :**

  10. IM A SILENT READER!! Pleaaaseeeee continue reading w I'm reading to wait etha theres a post at the end ;p

  11. RwaishedAddict:
    im glad your not so silent anymore :D:D:D im going to continue inshalaa! im just re-writing the posts i lost, working on them just give me a while :***

  12. TAKE YOUR TIME!! wall ur maybe the only blogger ely worth the wait lana ur posts are long and meaningful! i'll be waiting :D

  13. ooohhhhh that sucks big time, i am soooo sorry to hear that, i can only imagine how awful that is. inshallah it starts coming back to you easily when you rewrite them. take your time, we know you have lots going on with uni and stuff in general, all your loyal readers understand and will be waiting for you.. can't wait to read them. love you xxx farah

  14. RwaishedAddict:
    7bebti thank you so much! thats so motivating! i wont keep you waiting for long :*

    Thank you sweetie! inshala it will easily comes! hopefully they'll be better *fingers crossed* thanks for the support love uuu xx

  15. btw im a guy not a girl ;p adre weird bs i really like reading blogs

  16. RwaishedAddict:
    I AM SOO SORRY *hands on face* its not weird that you read blogs at all! its weird that i thought ur a girl!! thanks for letting me know so i don't make a fool of myself haha! and you don't know how much more happy i am that a guy is reading!!

  17. hahahaah 3adi at least i got some kisses :p I'm reading ur blog from ur first story bs gelt lazm i comment so u can know ena A LOT of readers wait for ur posts!!

  18. RwaishedAddict:
    hahah thats embarrassing im sorry hahah ;p xD thannkku! im glad ur not silent and ur commenting! u can't imagine how much comments motivated the writer xx

  19. Hey I have read ur both stories and I liked them ...I'm a silent reader ;p bs ydeda lan hlshahr t8reban I started reading I wish u best luck and enshallah fe b3d story ♥ and amby ma a7b mwa8f chthy my cuzn 8bl la yrd 78 alsummer break ba8aw his wallet !!
