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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

no excuses this time :s

Hey everyone
i know i was suppose to post a long time ago but i didn't :s *hands on face*
i don't have a good excuse for being this late
especially since i have, up until now, been a bad blogger
all i can say is the weekend i was suppose to post in was busy and a mess because i spent it worrying about my flight back to kuwait and packing etc and then from sunday to tuesday afteroon i didn't sleep ila ymkn 2 hours bcz i was going back and forth from home to airport then finally got on a flight and had to stay in dubai for 7 freakin hours without any sleep because i was got to the point where i was so tired i just couldn't sleep and i was too worried and stressed out and i just wanted to get home even if i had to walk the way!
basically those 3 days i was close to having a nervous breakdown, i was so frustrated!
and most of you probably wont get hows its like the first few days after coming home but they're pretty hectic and i just haven't had the time to write at all even when i'm actually home!!
i haven't finished the post and i keep changing it cause i think something else would be better
i wont make promises to when im going to post l2na i might break that promise and i've been a very bad blogger already!
i really am sorry because i made a commitment to you guys ina aktb this story regularly and everyone who is reading would like this to know where this story is heading and whats happening and i havent been able to give you that :s
i hope you guys still are interested in the story and do continue reading because i have it all planned out and inshala ra7 ta3jbkum
once again im so sorry about this :s
inshala ra7 tlgon post soon
im going to try and write now since mako a7ad at home (especially since my niece and nephew are at school and my youngest nephew is napping so its dead quiet and i might get a bit of writing done before they come home and attack me) ;p
thanks for those of you who commented on my posts even and for those who are still waiting for my posts
love u all :***
P.S. anonymous commenters pls put down an initial, letter, name, anything bs 3ashan a3arf mno intaw, i'd love to know who is commenting :***


  1. 7ayaaaaaaaaati entay...
    i totally get it...
    aham shay u got home safely...
    el7amdellay 3alsalama ya a7la nooooona...
    sha5barich 7beebti???
    how's ur back???
    akeed mestansa being at home... :D
    7beebti don't say sorry oo la tbarereen...
    u were busy, we get it...
    aham shay ra7tich 7beebti...
    write when u gave a free moment...
    and u will get back into it eventually...
    it doesn't have to be every day or every week...
    it just has to be when u get the inspiration...
    for nearly 2 months now i've been swamped with work...
    oo i always feel guilty for not posting la2ana i know people are reading and depending on me...
    fa i feel guilty ena i couldn't deliver...
    bas i think i just got my mojo back...
    or maybe half my mojo...
    in your free time...
    when u feel like writing...
    otherwise u will write something ma tkooneen ra'9ya 3ana oo u will constantly wanna change it...
    i love ur story and i can't wait to read the next post...
    love u so very much ya a7la entay...
    sop apologizing...
    tara a6egich... ;p

  2. 7abebti intay...!!
    Tara we totally understand and we will wait!! ;D
    oo tc!! :D

  3. 7amdillah 3al salama;*
    ma 3alaih im sure everyone is okay with waiting;p
    love ya;*

  4. takee your time, bess not too long ina it was a cliff hanger last time fa we want to know what happens next :p ahahahaha, haaaappppy newww yearsss!:-D :*****************************


  5. 7amdila 3al salama!! We miss you :) and happy new years! sij you took long, bas post a long and amazing post bs 3ashanna! thank you ;**

  6. sorry tawne ard 3aikm :s

    allah ysalmch 7bebti :* even though im already back in the UK
    im good intay shlonech?
    my back is better
    i still had days where it was very painful bs 7mdila
    ma mdany aroo7 il6abeeb 7tan w ana bl q8:(
    I need my inspiration back :(
    i feel like ive been so emotionally and mentally down that i cant concentrate on anything :(
    thats exactly how i feel, i feel guilty and sad a7s fe nas na6ratne w ana im not giving them anything in return
    heheh laa kilish wla il6ag ;p
    love u more walla :***

    girl with the petite appetite:
    im glad i have readers that understand walla :** thank u soo much!!

    allah ysalmch sweetie :*
    thanks for supporting me it means a lot!!

    heheh can cliff hanger! a7s eb t'thb7ony even more la2na it was a cliff hanger w tbon t3arfon sh9ar ;p thanks u happy new year to u toooooo!!!! :********

    allah ysalmch:** walla i miss u guyz my readers even more!! thanks happy new year to u too!!
    inshalaaa ra7 ykon 6weel il post w inshala it will be worth ur wait!!! :***
